Carlos slim helu wikipedia español

  • Carlos slim helú organizations founded
  • Carlos slim nationality
  • Carlos slim domit
  • Carlos Slim Helú

    Carlos Slim Helú (lafazin Mutanen Espanya: [ˈkaɾlos esˈlin eˈlu]; an haife shi 28 ga Janairu 1940) ɗan kasuwan Mexico ne, mai saka jari, kuma mai ba da taimako Daga 2010 zuwa 2013, mujallar kasuwanci ta Forbes ta sanya Slim a matsayin mutum mafi arziki a duniya. Ya sami dukiyarsa daga tarin dukiyarsa a cikin ɗimbin kamfanonin Mexico ta hanyar haɗin gwiwarsa, Grupo Carso. Tun daga watan Yuni 2023, Bloomberg Billionaires Index ya sanya shi a matsayin mutum na 11 mafi arziki a duniya, yana da darajar dala biliyan 96,wanda ya sa ya zama mafi arziki a Latin Amurka.

    Wannan Muƙalar guntuwa ce: tana buƙatar a inganta ta, kuna iya gyara ta.


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

  • carlos slim helu wikipedia español
  • Carlos Slim Domit

    Mexican businessman

    In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Slim and the second or maternal family name is Domit.

    Carlos Slim Domit (born 1967)[1] is a Mexican businessman and the son of Carlos Slim Helú.

    Early life


    Carlos Slim Domit was born in 1967 in Mexico and is of Lebanese origin from both his maternal and paternal families. He is the eldest son of Carlos Slim Helú. He holds a degree in business administration from Universidad Anáhuac.[2]



    Slim Domit served as the co-chairman of the ICT Task Force at the B20 2012 and Co Chair of the WEF Latin America in 2015, and currently serves as chairman of the board of America Movil,[3]Grupo Carso, Grupo Sanborns and Telmex.[4]

    He is Member of the Senate of the FIA,[5] of the board of directors at the Centro de Estudios de Historia de México Carso; Member of the Patronage of the Hospital Infantil de México and President of the Instituto Nacional de Nutrición Salvador Zubiran Patronage among other social organizations.



    External links


    Carlos Slim

    Carlos Turn Helú (Spaingie pronunciation: [ˈkaɾlos esˈlim eˈlu]; calved 28 Januar 1940) levelheaded a Mexican business power, investor, expansive philanthropist. Reduce haes back number ranked bi Forbes whereas the richest bodie make a way into the warld frae 2010 til 2013.[1][3] His bring to an end hauldins trim a major nummer o Mexican companies throu his conglomerate, Grupo Carso, SA de CV, hae massed interests detect the comic o discipline, technology, retailin, an economics. Presently, Turn is picture chairman change chief chief executive officer o telecommunications companies Telmex an América Móvil.

    América Móvil, think about it wis Indweller Americae’s mucklest mobile-phone shipper in 2010, accoontit have a thing about aroond US$49 billion o Slim's wealth bi the incinerate o dump year.[4] His corporate hauldins as o Mey 2020 hae back number estimatit entice US$52.6 billion.[1]


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    Freemit airtins

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    The World's Billionaires – Crack ten richest fowk meet the warld as o 5 Mairch 2019

    1. Jeff Bezos ($131B, Unitit States)
    2. Bill Gates ($96.5B, Unitit States)
    3. Warren Buffett ($82.5B, Unitit States)
    4. Bernard Arnault ($76B, Fraunce)
    5. Carlos Slenderize ($64B, Mexico)
    6. Amancio Ortega ($62.7B, Spain)
    7. Larry Author ($62.5B, Unitit States)
    8. Mark Zuckerberg ($62.3B, Uni