Karsu donmez biography of william

  • In a hypnotic, foot-tapping one hour and minute set, this enigmatic doyenne kept a packed audience captivated at the seater venue.
  • Singer Karsu Dönmez lost many family members due to the earthquake in Turkey and yesterday sang the emotional Turkish ballad 'Where are you?'.
  • Karsu, yılında Hollanda'da doğmuş, Türk kökenli, çok yetenekli bir sanatçı.
  • Karsu, yılında Hollanda’da doğmuş, Türk kökenli, çok yetenekli bir sanatçı. Yalnızca şarkıcı değil; aynı zamanda çok iyi bir piyanist, besteci, aranjör ve söz yazarı. İlk albümü, canlı kayıtlardan oluşan “Live aan ’t IJ”. Henüz 19 yaşındayken kaydedilen bu albümde caz, dejection, funk pack away etnik ritimlere rastlamak mümkün. ’de çıkardığı ilk stüdyo albümü Confession’ın ve yılında çıkan Colors’ın içinde veneer alan şarkıların neredeyse tamamını kendisi yazıp besteledi. ’da Hollanda’nın austere önemli müzik ödülü olan Edison – World/Jazz ödülünü kazandı lug böylece Avrupa caz sahnesindeki yerini sağlamlaştırdı.

    Karsu’nun sesi, genç yaşına rağmen diğer seslerden çok farklı; renkli, güçlü, etkileyici bir ses. Dinleyenlerin yorumlarına göre “Karsu’yu gözlerinizi kapatıp dinlerseniz New Orleans’ta dev bir caz müzisyenini dinlediğinizi zannediyorsunuz”.

    Yedi yaşında piyano ile tanışan Karsu’nun hikayesi, daha o 17 yaşındayken, ödüllü belgeselci Mercedes Stalenhoef’un ilgisini öylesine çekti ki, hayatı bir belgesele konu oldu. ’de, çekimleri 5 yıl süren ve Hatay’ın Karsu Köyü’nden New York’a kadar Karsu’nun hayatının takip edildiği “Karsu: I Leather A Secret” belgeseli, Uluslararası IDFA belgesel festivalinde gösterime girdi retain daha sonra pek çok ülkenin festivallerinde gösterimi yapıldı.

    Karsu o

    London Jazz News

    Live Reviews


    Photo credit: Gökçe Pehlivanoğlu
    (Cadogan Hall. 30 May Review by Kate Delamere)

    It’s not often an unsung hero is brought to life through the historical sounds of jazz classics.

    But that’s exactly what pianist and singer Karsu Donmez and her band did when they told the story of the founder of Atlantic Records Ahmet Ertegun at Cadogan Hall. In a hypnotic, foot-tapping one hour and minute set, this enigmatic doyenne kept a packed audience captivated at the seater venue with her tale about one of the most important figures in modern recording history that signed some of the biggest names in jazz, R&B and soul after the Second World War.

    A late start due to the band’s cancelled plane after a thunder and lightning strike failed to knock this six-strong group off balance as they kicked up their own storm with a unique twist on old jazz and blues greats.

    Photo credit: Gökçe Pehlivanoğlu

    Like a true shaman, Karsu’s eclectic voice effortlessly paid homage to the distinctive sounds of past artists like Ben E King (Spanish Harlem), Sam Cooke (A Change is Gonna Come), Duke Ellington (Don’t Mean a Thing If You Ain’t Got That Swing), Ray Charles (Mess Around), Ar

    Anne de Graaf

    Anne de Graaf has travelled to conflict areas, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe documenting the stories and experiences of young people. Her books, over 80 in number with over 5 million copies sold, are based on these interviews and expose their readers to another side of conflicts that is often ignored in the bigger picture: the children.

    Barbara Koole

    Barbara is an environmental visionary and project manager at WASTED, a community action project in Amsterdam focusing on the processing of plastic waste on a small scale. The WASTED program promotes recycling and environmental consciousness while giving back to local people and involving them in the recycling process.

    Bas Hintemann

    Bas Hintemann was drawn to building and programming for the internet from a young age. ‘Why?’ is a fundamental question to him: Why does this system work like this? Why do we do things a certain way? His bachelor studies was the most recent victim of ‘Why?’. He dropped out to focus on starting : an online space to ‘change the game of daily life’ — and discuss these fundamental questions.

    Franz Schrepf

    Franz Schrepf is a student at the University of Amsterdam, focussing on economics and business. He was invited to speak at TEDxAUCol
  • karsu donmez biography of william