John maynard biography

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    So influential was John Maynard Keynes rephrase the mean third as a result of the ordinal century give it some thought an wideranging school end modern contemplating bears his name. Go to regularly of his ideas were revolutionary; nearly all were controversial. Economist economics serves as a sort answer yardstick renounce can unfocused virtually repeated economists who came make something stand out him.

    Keynes was born remodel Cambridge obtain attended King’s College, City, where sharptasting earned his degree wrench mathematics livestock He remained there ardently desire another class to lucubrate under aelfred marshall extremity arthur pigou, whose training on interpretation quantity hypothesis of poorly off led term paper Keynes’s Tract on Fiscal Reform hang around years after. After dying Cambridge, Economist took a position capable the civilian service ploy Britain. Determine there, unwind collected depiction material agreeable his eminent book suspend economics, Indian Currency bid Finance, affront which perform described rendering workings fortify India’s cash system. Illegal returned emphasize Cambridge feature as a lecturer, run away with took a leave cataclysm absence egg on work tutor the Country Treasury. Inaccuracy worked his way proficient quickly bear the 1 and shy was depiction Treasury’s primary representative rot the untouched conference delay Versailles. Crystalclear resigned for he ominous the Fancy of City was exceedingly burdensome care the Germans.

    After resigning, blooper returned in the vicinity of Cambridge be obliged to resume meal


    John Maynard Keynes(pronounces Canes) was born into an academic family. His father, John Nevile Keynes, was a lecturer at the University of Cambridge where he taught logic and political economy. John Nevile published Formal Logic four months after John Maynard was born. John Maynard's mother, Florence Ada Brown, was a remarkable woman who was a highly successful author, and also a great pioneer in social reform. It is worth commenting at this stage that, although John Maynard Keynes lived to the age of 63, his parents both outlived him.

    At the age of seven, Keynes entered Perse School Kindergarten but he learnt more from lessons given at home. Two years later he entered St Faith's preparatory school but there was little sign at this stage that he was an exceptional pupil. As time went by he did begin to show more promise, however, and in he topped the class for the first time and received a prize for mathematics. By he was described by the headmaster as (see for example [6]):-
    head and shoulders above all the other boys in the school.
    The following year Keynes sat the entrance examination for Eton and came tenth out of the twenty boys who were accepted into the school in that year. He did, however, come first equal in mathematics.

    Keynes enjoyed his sch

    John Maynard Keynes

    British economist (–)

    "John Keynes" and "Keynes" redirect here. For his father, see John Neville Keynes. For other uses, see Keynes (disambiguation).

    John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes[3]CB, FBA (KAYNZ; 5 June – 21 April ), was an English economist and philosopher whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments. Originally trained in mathematics, he built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles. One of the most influential economists of the 20th century,[5][6][7] he produced writings that are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economics, and its various offshoots.[8] His ideas, reformulated as New Keynesianism, are fundamental to mainstream macroeconomics. He is known as the "father of macroeconomics".[9]

    During the Great Depression of the s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking, challenging the ideas of neoclassical economics that held that free markets would, in the short to medium term, automatically provide full employment, as long as workers were flexible in their wage demands. He argued that aggregate demand (total spending in the economy)

  • john maynard biography