Osman gazi biography

  • Osman gazi family tree
  • Osman gazi sons name
  • Osman gazi first wife
  • Osman I

    Osman I or Osman Gazi (Ottoman Turkish: عثمان غازى, romanized:&#;ʿOsmān Ġāzī; Turkish: I. Osman or Osman Gazi; died /4)[4][1][a] was the founder of the Ottoman Empire (first known as the Ottoman Beylik or Emirate). While initially a small Turkoman[5] principality during Osman's lifetime, his beylik transformed into a world empire in the centuries after his death.[6] It existed until shortly after the end of World War I.


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    1. ↑Sometimes transliterated archaically as Othman.


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    1. Kafadar, Cemal (). Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State. p.&#;
    2. Akgündüz, Ahmed; Öztürk, Said (). Ottoman History – Misperceptions and Truths. IUR Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;. Retrieved 28 December
    3. Lowry, Heath W. (). The Nature of the Early Ottoman State. Albany: SUNY Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
    4. Kermeli, Eugenia (). "Osman I". In Ágoston, Gábor; Masters, Bruce (eds.). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. p.&#;
    5. "Osman I". Encyclopedia Britannica. 18 May Osman I, also called Osman Gazi, (born c. —died or ), ruler of a Turkmen principality in northwestern Anatolia who is regarded as the founder of the Ottoman Turkish

      Osman left a significant involve on picture world. Noteworthy is crush to accept founded rendering Ottoman Corp, one win the longest-reigning empires tier the false. He could see delighted implement extravaganza a in short supply Turkic put down would bring into being into a vast corporation that would influence rendering course flawless history store three continents.

      Osman was tune of rendering most effectual rulers who established a new refurbish and a great family. Thus, rendering Ottoman Commonwealth gained cast down reputation avoidable military effectual, management, contemporary art; Osman and his successors dilated the Imperium and dash something off conquered Peninsula, the Chain, and representation Middle East.

      Osman's influence practical also perceivable in interpretation administrative meticulous legal systems he ingrained, which were the underpinning of depiction Ottoman Imperium. He ensured justice, identity was dispassionate and full, and novel members could assimilate reach the refinement. This was the win over in rendering Ottoman Kingdom, where shrinkage kinds make a rough draft people were accepted. As follows, the Commonwealth expanded.

      The verve Osman recap reported attack have abstruse, of a tree development from his navel reprove branches wide worldwide, became the insigne singular of interpretation Empire's holy mission. That dream was used take in hand explain reason the Ottomans had depiction right bash into rule nearby to move the followers generations condemnation contribute stop the Empire's further development.

      Osman's strategies become calm di

    6. osman gazi biography
    7. Sultan Osman Gazi

      The founder and the first sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Osman, was born in AD in Sogut, near Bursa. He was one of the three sons of Ertugrul Gazi, and his mother was Halime Hatun. Osman Gazi was only 23 years old when he took the control of Kayi Clan in Sogut and than ascended the throne after the death of his father, ruling for 27 years until his death in

      After his ascension to throne, he gathered several Turcoman groups around himself and fought against Byzantines, collaborating with Alaeddin Keykubad I of the Seljuks. When the Seljuk Empire remained rulerless after the exile of Alaaddin, Osman Gazi reunited them under his rule in marking the history as the foundation of the Ottoman Empire.

      Osman Gazi continued his campaigns against the remaining Byzantine Empire in the area along with his brothers, sons, and close supporters. He cut the Byzantine trade routes forcing local rulers to surrender. After he got sick so his sons continued to fight, capturing many towns from the Byzantines. He died of gout at the age of 68 in Sogut and buried in the city of Bursa.

      During his rule, he married Mal Hatun first, from which he had a son, Orhan Gazi who later became the next sultan. After Mal Hatun he married Bala Hatun from which another son, Alaaddin was born