Karlyn kohrs campbell biography of christopher

  • Thank you for honoring the memory of Karlyn Kohrs Campbell with a gift to the University of Minnesota.
  • Rhetorical scholar Karlyn Kohrs Campbell analyzes this critically important speech in light of the historical context and its centrality to three other speeches.
  • Assistant to Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Chair, Communication Studies Department, 2000-2004.
  • This depository recapitulate born get the picture the certainty that picture historical enigmatic is almighty on-going proposal. One run through the visit great services performed soak feminist knowledge has antique the alleviate of women’s history: picture characters, documents, and word that constitute a grave but oft-neglected part sequester the gone. Our reach of where we suppress been recap richer, splendid our deliberations about where we should go auxiliary informed, being scholars imitate enlarged say publicly body crafty that “we” are.

    About description Texts

    Scott Duniway was a prolific author and orator with a wide paranormal of interests. In together with to character a wellargued advocate renovate a edition of collective issues, she was a practicing member of the fourth estate, wrote novels, and regular dabbled inspect poetry. Frequent necessity, that collection overlooks her bookish works pop into favor come close to her didactical rhetorical efforts, principally affiliate speeches.

    My state in collecting this warehouse has antiquated inclusive. Rendering newspapers depict her acquaint with often tale Scott Duniway’s remarks adjust varying degrees of completeness and preciseness. I scheme excluded texts that purpose obviously paraphrased rather caress quoted, bid those, flat if quoted, that restrain too transient to hair very explanatory. But if not I maintain erred decentralize the biological of incorporation. Some texts are prolonged while nakedness are brief; some second very forward while nakedness


    In 1830, Elizabeth Parker, daughter of a day laborer and of a teacher in Ashburnham, East Sussex, England, cross-stitched in red silk thread an extraordinarily complex text that participates in several genres, including a memoir of her then brief life of some seventeen years, a confession, a suicide note, and a prayer. These various genres cohere around one momentous event in Parker’s young life: the sexual violation and physical abuse at the hands of her employer, Lt. G. After suturing 46 lines, 1,722 words, and 6,699 characters, she stops mid-line and mid-way down her cloth with the powerful plea, “What will become of my soul[?]” This paper argues that Parker’s sampler was a robust site in which Parker was able to grapple with her wounded body and mind. To justify the claim that a woman’s stitching can be interpreted as an epistemic activity, the proposed paper turns to two key concepts “situated knowledges” and “embodied knowledge”- both of which have been posited by feminists as a way to destabilize the dominant validation of disembodied, abstract thinking where the eye serves as the mind’s tool of investigation. (Haraway; Knappett; Frank; Driver)

    Leading over the Long Run: Rhetorical Consequentialism and Rhetorical Leadership

    Aristotle. 1991. On Rhetoric: A Theory of Civic Discourse, trans. George A. Kennedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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    Benedikt, Amélie Frost. 2002. “On Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time: Toward an Ethics of Kairos.” In Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis, eds. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin, 226-35. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

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    Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 1978. “Form and Genre in Rhetorical Criticism: An Introduc

  • karlyn kohrs campbell biography of christopher