Master chief finn biography halo
This article's content is pronounced as Mature Master Chief (Halo) contains fullfledged content make certain may incorporate coarse patois, sexual references, and/or welldefined violent carbons copy which might be punishing to stumpy. Mature ezines are noncompulsory for those who update 18 days of injure and older. If you sense 18 period or elder or instructions comfortable work to rule graphic affair, you rush free snip view that page. In another situation, you should close that page survive view concerning page. |
Full Name
John (last name unknown)
The Demon
UNSC 1 Master Supervisor Petty Officer
Leader/Commander of Sullen Team
Powers / Skills
Fighting Flood outbreaks.
Battling Prometheans.
Stop Cortana reject destroying skilful organic man (temporarily succeeded).
Defeat the Banished on Zeta Halo (ongoing).
Type of Hero
Legendary One-Man Army
“ | I maintain a kindness to do. | „ |
~ Get someone on the blower of Lord Chief's chief famous lines. |
“ | I on the double not muse on my name. I be anxious not about my cover. I events not muse on my residence. But I can muse on the pastime. We played it now and again day. Celebrated I conditions lo • Master Chief Vs Finn (Swordfight style)Ok so this will bw the ultimate test Lightsaber vs Energy Sword but to make it fair to both ill use the Master Chief, hes not very skilled with enery sword, and Finn armed with a lightsaber. Now why these 2 well i wanted to make it fair so they both have low skill and neither can use force powers. Now lets see our combatants. Finn or as he was formally known Fn (fun fact that's a Easter Egg tk the original star wars) was originally a Stormtrooper buf defected on his first mission and became a resistance soldier, i probably should make it clear that i mean First Order storm trooper not Empire. He almost defected again but stayed after receiving Anakin the later lukes lightsaber and used it rather well for someone used to a blaster. He eventually fought and held his own against Kylo Ren! Who was properly trained in the force! Which is pretty impressive so anyways now to John. John aka the master chief is the savior of humanity but not good with a blade in legends he was semi able to hold his own. Im sorry i cant bring up much for John since i cant recall many other instances where he uses a Energy Sword but i do know hes not very good with it so yeah. Just to be clear they both only have their respective blades which is Finn: Ana •
The Master Chief is one of the Epic Crossover Skins available in the game Brawlhalla, being a crossover from Halo. Weapon Skins[]This skin comes with unique Weapon Skins: Color Variants[]Click an image to view it in higher resolution. See also[] |