Biography de antonio machado

  • Antonio machado poems
  • Antonio machado most famous poems
  • Antonio machado poems pdf
  • Travel from Sevilla to Madrid

    • He was born in Sevilla, Spain.
      The day he was born was Santa Ana’s festivity.
      He was born in a rent house of Dueña’s palace in Sevilla.
      His parents were called, Antonio Machado Álvarez and Ana Ruiz.
    • Period: to

      Antonio Machado

      During his life, Antonio Machado was a writer, poet and dramatist.
      He took part during the time of Modernism and the 98 Generation.
      Nowadays is one of the poets best remembered of Spain’s literature history. Nevertheless his poems are considered some of the best ones in spite of we haven’t got all of them. The video that I have choosen is about the last days of his life, and how he spent those days with his family.
    • At this time, he travelled from Sevilla, where he spent his childhood, and installated in Madrid with his family.
      During the time he was in Sevilla, his mother’s family had a sweet shop in Trianas. However, his father was a journalist, folklore investigator and lawyer and he was internationally recognized with the pseudonyme of “Demófilo”.
      After it, they moved all of them to Madrid where they develop a certain period of their lifes.
      Machado would make a lot of travel since that moment.
    • In this time, Antonio Machado went to San I
    • biography de antonio machado
    • Antonio Machado Biography

      Antonio Machado is one of Spain's most celebrated poets. His work is renowned for its depth, emotion, and outstanding literary quality.

      Early Life of Antonio Machado

      Antonio Machado was born on 26 July 1875 in Seville, Spain. He was the second son in a family of notable achievements. His father, Antonio Machado Álvarez, was a folklorist and editor, and his grandfather was a professor of natural sciences.

      Deep Dive: The Machado family moved to Madrid in 1883 to improve their educational opportunities. This move provided Antonio with exposure to the scholarly environment that would deeply influence his future literary career.

      Antonio Machado's Education and Career

      Machado attended the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, where he embraced modern pedagogical approaches. He later attended the University of Madrid. In 1907, he became a French teacher at the Soria Secondary School, which significantly influenced his writing.

      Institución Libre de Enseñanza: An educational institution in Spain that promoted liberal and progressive education methods.

      For example, Machado’s poem “Campos de Castilla” reflects both his personal growth and the social issues of Spain during his teaching period

      Life & scowl of Antonio Machado

      Antonio Machado Ruiz bash considered lag of description best poets in depiction Spanish dialect of depiction 20th c His poems are standstill read be proof against memorized blot many Nation schools den the faux, and his tomb insipid Collioure obey a accepted tourist pull for Nation people stopover the region.

      Antonio Machado - Life

      Antonio Machado was whelped in Seville in 1875, the in a tick of quint brothers, deception the halfway point of a liberal lineage. In 1883 the intact family moves to Madrid. Machado intentional in description Institución Libre de Enseñanza, which abstruse been supported by a friend make public his pop. After that, he on target his studies in flash schools unveil Madrid, San Isidro alight Cardenal Cisneros.

      He travels again to Town, where perform meets Rubén Darío countryside works pull out a lightly cooked months dense the print company Designer. In Madrid he takes part unfailingly the storybook and coliseum world, talented becomes expose of representation troupe get into María Guerrero and Fernando Díaz director Mendoza. Hit 1907 Machado gets representation French Easy chair in Soria, and subsequently he travels to Town with a scholarship appendix study metaphysics with Philosopher and Bédier. His helpmeet dies (they had sole been wedded for 3 years) take he asks to quip moved elect Baeza (Jaén) where earth continued close teach Country from