Anne schraff biography
About the Author
Includes description names: Ann Schraff, Anne Schraff, ANNE SCHRAFF
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About Anne E. Schraff
Anne Schraff, the author of five books in the Bluford Series, is a full-time writer. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and earned a B.A. and M.A. from California State University, Northridge. Schraff taught high school from to at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace, San Diego, California.
As a child, Schraff traveled widely in the United States with her mother, brother, and grandmother. (Her father died when she was three.) They made their journeys in a camping trailer and had many wild adventures. Schraff frequently draws from those rich experiences when she creates her stories.
As a teenager, Schraff held a variety of jobs. She began as a papergirl, delivering a hundred Los Angeles Times every morning at four o’clock. She later became a waitress and a shrimp boat worker. Another job as a boysenberry picker taught Schraff sympathy for migrant workers.
But Schraff always wanted to be a writer and sold her first story, “Stage to Hell,” to a western magazine while she was a college freshman. She pretended to be a male by signing the story A. E. Schraff. The editor didn’t know the truth until he’d bought a dozen of her stories. Since then she has sold hundreds of stories and more than eighty books including historical fiction, biographies, science books,
Anne E. Schraff