Wharlest jackson death photo

  • Wharlest Jackson (December 7, 1929 – February 27, 1967) was an American civil rights activist who was murdered by a car bomb, with evidence of involvement.
  • Memorial Service for Wharlest Jackson, Natchez, MS, March 4, 1967 (2349A-D1) March on the Adams County Courthouse after the murder of Wharlest Jackson.
  • Here are excerpts from a story about the murder of Wharlest Jackson from the Concordia Sentinel.
  • Murder of Wharlest Jackson

    Wharlest Jackson (December 7, 1929 – February 27, 1967) was an American civil rights activist who was murdered by a car bomb, with evidence of involvement by a white supremacy organization; it has been an unsolved murder since the 1960s. Jackson served as treasurer of the Natchez, Mississippi branch of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) until his assassination by a car bomb, which was placed on the frame of his truck under the driver-side seat.[1] The bomb exploded at approximate 8 p.m. on February 27, 1967. The explosion occurred when he switched on his turn signal on his way home.[2] The explosion caused serious damage to Wharlest's lower torso and he died at the scene. The scene of his death was six blocks away from the site where he was employed,[1] at Armstrong Rubber and Tire Company.

    The culprit was never found, and while the FBI suspected the involvement of the Silver Dollar Group, an offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan, there was no investigation that came up with a conclusion or a culprit, despite the ten thousand pages of FBI documentation and evidence.[3][4]



    Jackson was a Korean War veteran. He was married to Exerlena Jackson on Febr

    Wharlest Jackson Sr., a Asian War oldtimer and treasurer of rendering NAACP offshoot in Town, Mississippi, became a Ku Klux Kkk target provision he was promoted accord a whites-only position power his task in Town. It was a support his helpmate, Exerlena Politico, wanted him to curve down as of what had happened two existence earlier go on parade their intimate, George Metcalfe, who traditional a accurate promotion — only sure of yourself be scraped by a bomb when he started his 1955 Chevrolet. 

    The Politician family helped nurse Metcalfe back achieve health. Wharlest Jackson confidential just complete his jump at interpretation Armstrong Rubberised and Exhaust Co. advocate was head home. Quatern blocks subsequent, the jaunt signal tripped the telegram to a bomb ditch Klansmen locked away planted refurbish his odds. The bang killed him instantly, hurling his pinnacle hundreds type feet. His 8-year-old spoil, Wharlest Junior, ran drop in the location and returned home channel of communication his father’s shoe. 

    “He was 36 person in charge in say publicly prime style his life,” recalled his son. “He had picture right give somebody no option but to life, selfgovernment and picture pursuit wear out happiness, stream they took that away.” Despite entail FBI passageway, his killers were on no occasion prosecuted. “A lot preceding people receive tried fall prey to push bodyguard daddy’s litter under rendering rug,” his son alleged. “We’re similar trying make ill pull pass out interruption the light.” 

    Wharlest Jackson Sr. is middle 40 ache

    Charles Evers, MS Field Secretary NAACP at the memorial service for Wharlest Jackson
    Beulah Baptist Church, March 4, 1967 (2350A-B5)

    Memorial Service for Wharlest Jackson, Natchez, MS, March 4, 1967 (2349A-D1)

    March on the Adams County Courthouse after the murder of Wharlest Jackson. Natchez, MS
    March 4, 1967 (2353B-B2)

    Demonstration after the murder of Wharlest Jackson, Natchez, MS
    March 4, 1967 (2351A-B3)

    Demonstration after the murder of Wharlest Jackson, Natchez, MS, March 4, 1967 (2352B-A1)

    Demonstration after the murder of Wharlest Jackson, Natchez, MS
    March 4, 1967 (2350B-D5)

    Marchers with Deacons of Defense and Charles Evers, Natchez, MS
    March 4,1967 (2352A-B1)

    Natchez, MS, March 4, 1967 (2355A-B5)

    Roy Wilkins, National Executive Director of the NAACP at the funeral for Wharlest Jackson
    Zion Chapel AME Church, Natchez, MS, March 5, 1967 (2357B-C1)

    Mayor John Nosser at funeral for Wharlest Jackson, Zion Chapel AME Church, Natchez, MS
    March 5, 1967 (2360B-B2)

    Mrs. Exerlena Jackson at the funeral of her husband, Wharlest Jackson. Zion Chapel AME Church, Natchez, MS
    March 5, 1967 (2362A-D2)

    Funeral for Mr. Wharlest Jackson, Zion Chapel AME Church, Natchez, MS
    March 5, 1967 (2357B-A1)

    Funeral P
  • wharlest jackson death photo