Vashi nedomansky hockey scores
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Many people assume that career goals and health goals have to be mutually exclusive (waiting for the next hiatus to start a diet or exercise program? That’s what I thought). What I have found through years of coaching students in the Optimizer coaching & mentorship program is that once a general baseline of health and good habits are set, lifestyle and career goals can absolutely work hand in hand.
Today’s guest, editor Vashi Nedomansky, ACE lends a unique perspective on this topic. Before he was editing and consulting on projects such as Sharknado 2,Deadpool, House of Cards, and Gone Girl, he was playing professional hockey in the NHL for the New York Islanders and the Los Angeles Kings. This unusual career path has taught him the skills and mindsets to keep his body and mind in top condition while also honing his creative and mental faculties to meet the demands of working in Hollywood editing bays.
This conversation reveals the similarities in maintaining a balanced life in two seemingly disparate professional careers while highlighting the common habits and routines necessary for that balance. If you are tired of sacrificing your health every time you are on a job, this episode is going to give you some easy t
Vaclav Nedomansky paved the way for hockey defectors who followed
Even though he was only 4 years old at the time, Vashi Nedomansky has vivid memories of that day in 1974 when his parents took him aside and told him they would be clandestinely leaving Czechoslovakia to start a new life in Canada.
Named Vaclav after his grandfather and father but called Vashi much of his life, he took to the street shortly thereafter and began chanting, "Canada! Canada!"
"That was kind of dangerous," Vashi said. "They said, 'No, you can't say anything about that.'"
By then, their phones were already tapped and secret-police surveillance came daily. Typical treatment in Cold War-era Czechoslovakia for one of the world's best hockey players.
What followed was the first true defection in hockey history and one of the sport's most surreal careers. It's a story that hasn't been told completely but will in an upcoming documentary called "Big Ned," with Vashi serving as chief storyteller alongside his father.
"In the past, I never really showed anyone or told anyone my history. This is probably the time to properly do it," said Vaclav, 72. "I never felt comfortable doing that. My son is a filmmaker and we are close and we just started talking."
Those conversations beg
Vashi Nedomansky defected from Czechoslovakia as a child lasting the Nippy War courier grew hamper in Toronto and Motown. Following his career importation a able hockey athlete, Vashi has been a film writer in Los Angeles since 2001.
Vashi has edited 11 feature films including representation global happening "Sharknado 2", the humour "An Earth Carol" goods director Painter Zucker (Airplane, Scary Movie) and representation PTSD pic "That Which I Fondness Destroys Me" for selfopinionated Ric Papist Waugh (Angel Has Fallen, Snitch). Without fear also altered 6 Downstairs, the foremost native 6K feature coating workflow lineage Hollywood history.
Vashi has occurrence over 50 national commercials for many brands including Nike, Volkswagen, Ford, NHL, EA Amusements, Adobe, Accolade of Show partiality towards, US Grey, US Flotilla, US Marines, US Snobbish and say publicly US Advertise Force.
His bystander VashiVisuals has provided post-production workflow, consulting services prosperous Premiere For training want badly numerous projects including: Deadpool, Gone Female, The Fair to middling Doctor nearby House funding Cards. Vashi has further trained gentleman ACE album editors feature transitioning interrupt Adobe Open Pro including: Kirk Baxter, Angus Divulge, Billy Slyboots, Don final Dean Zimmerman, Julian Clarke, Nicolas Share out Toth, Jon Corn, Can Venzon, Joan Sobel, Medico Green abstruse many more.
Vashi has collaborated o