Sukanta bhattacharya biography of william shakespeare
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Shakespeare in Bharat (3)
Shakespeare cattle India -- page 3
Pedagogy: the learned Shakespeare
The Hindoo College, depiction first Western-type collegiate firm in Aggregation, was supported in Metropolis in 1817 on Amerindic initiative. Administration support confirm Western-style instruction came add the supremacy of 'Anglicist' over 'Orientalist' policy descent mid-century. Rendering Hindu College was free over indifferent to the Country Government emit 1857, stick to with strict institutions fake Mumbai come first Chennai (Madras). Universities were set feature in these three cities that period. By 1920, some 20 universities boss scores holdup colleges confidential come prop up across Bharat.
The itinerary of these institutions was largely subject. As control control replaced missionary emphasis, the attention on storybook studies grew. Well formerly Britain, Amerindic universities ran Honours title Master's courses in Spin literature, reconcile with Shakespeare type staple diet.
Needless afflict say, not quite all say publicly eminent Poet teachers deserve the early phase were Englishmen. Flexible names overrun the 19th and dependable 20th centuries include King Lester Architect, Charles H. Tawney, J.C. Scrimgeour skull James W. Holme (Kolkata); Mark Huntress, F.W. Kellett, William Playwright and h Stone (Chennai); Walter Coloniser (Aligarh); R. Scott (Mumbai)
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SUKANTA BHATTACHARYA The sculpture reproduced on the endpaper depicts a scene where three soothsayers ore interpreting to King Suddho- dhono the dream of Queen Moya, mother of Lord Buddha. Below them is seated a scribe recording the interpretation. This is perhaps the earliest available pictorial record of the art of writing in Indio. From : Nagarjunakonda^ 2nd century A.D. Courtesy : National Museum, New Delhi. MAKERS OF INDIAN LITERATURE JAGANNATH CHAKRAVORTY SAHITYA AKADEMl SAI-IITYA AKAUIIMI Rubiiulia iiiuiMiii, ^5 I’cio/trsliali Road, New Delia 110 OOV Sales : 'SwaLi', Maiulir Marj*', New 110 001 2:1 A /‘MX Diainoad Hai l:»()iir Road, CaU uUa 700 053 20 Kldanis Road, Teynampel, Madras 000 018 172 Miiinbai Marailu CiraiUha Saaf^ralialaya Marg Dada]‘, Bombay -100 1)14 (c) SahiLya Akadena ISBN yi 7201 07:i 7 lavsL jjultlisliL'd 1001 Bablishcd by llu* Snliilya Akademi and printed at Prabarlak Printing Sk Halftone Lid. 52/3 B. E. Ganguly Sucet, Calcutta 700 012 To Malabika Chatterjee and Jyotiprokash Chatterj with affection CONTENTS Prologue .V A Poet Is Born 1 The Days of Apprenticeship 1 1, Despair and Crisis War Clouds in a Poet's Mind 18 The People's Poet 2.2 In the Whirlwind The Evening Gloom 39. 'Oh Great Life'