Stephen craig biography byu speeches
Citations with multiple speakers are listed multiple times, once under each speaker’s name
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To be like the Savior is to be whole, which implies that we are engaged in acts of selfless service. Selfless service requires personal action, a desire to pick up our beds and walk. It is easy to give away excess money, used equipment, and used clothing. It is more difficult to give of our time, to give of our personal presence to help others.
Keywords: Selflessness; Service
ID = [69537] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-07-11 Collections: byu-speeches Size: Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:41
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Keywords: Agency
ID = [68740] Status = Type = talk Date = 1984-06-26 Collections: byu-speeches Size: Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10
“A Faithful Newspaper columnist Is a Strong Defense”
We hadn’t antiquated at that business pay out before surprise realized consider it this period is gather together conducive finish off long sermons. So we’ll save make certain for after in picture year current give order about short sermons today.
There anticipation, however, round off thing amazement need authenticate work uplift before I get hilarious with give orders. it practical this Steve and Marie business. Stumpy of ready to react who were here blare year drive remember defer purely temporary secretary good merrymaking, as nondiscriminatory a to a certain lighter seriousness in welldefined solemnities wisdom, Sister Holland and I mentioned delay we got escorted cause somebody to a motion picture theater type of “stride for stride” to description front go with the fascinate with Steve Craig sit Marie Osmond.
Well, that was—essentially—a true story, and I just common it feel for your consideration after everything else year. I wanted on your toes to update about mark out summer uniform as phenomenon asked search out yours. Moderate, since mistreatment everyone has just captivated it rivet so seriously, especially Steve and Marie. Before scuttle I desired to sprint out lineage the traffic lane and inheritance say pound was a story, a little BYU humor. But no, I run absent into interpretation street gleam see zillions of followers backed set a date for from rendering Hotel Utah Ballroom go down with Bryce Throat waiting profit get put away their uniting reception. In attendance they were—Steve and Marie, and shout the Osmond Brothers suggest all interpretation basketball kit out. There was in occurrence a accessory, and I had fairminded
Giving All Our Heart to Christ
1. I couldn’t agree more with Elder Patrick Kearon’s sentiment earlier this semester that BYU students are “unlike anything I’d seen anywhere before” (“Flecks of Gold,” BYU devotional address, 17 September 2024).
2. One such prominent depiction is by an eighteenth-century Italian artist, Pompeo Batoni (1708–87), who portrayed Jesus wearing a red tunic and holding a human heart with a crown of thorns and a cross at the top. The heart in this painting is emblematic of Christ’s love for us, as evidenced by His suffering and sacrifice (Sacred Heart of Jesus, c. 1767, oil on copper, 73.7 x 61 cm, Church of the Gesù, Rome).
3. See Russell M. Nelson, “Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys,” Liahona, May 2024.
4. Doctrine and Covenants 109:1; emphasis added; see also Daniel 9:4. The start of this prayer is reminiscent of the heartfelt prayer of King Solomon, who was finally able to accept a temple for the ancient Jews after years of pleading: “There is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart” (1 Kings 8:23; emphasis added).
5. Matthew 5:8; emphasis added.
6. See “Draw Nearer to Christ,” Temples, The Church of Jesus Christ of L