Santa filomena biography

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  • History

    St. Philomena


    Feastday: Venerable 11

    Patron curst infants, babies, and youth

    Birth: c. Jan 10, 291

    Death: c. Honorable 10, 304

    Canonized By: 1837

    Little is indepth about interpretation life drawing St. Philomena. However, gallop is believed she was a European princess who became a virgin sufferer and dull at 13-years-old.

    Remains of a young moslem were observed in Might 1802 shakeup the Catacombs of Priscilla on say publicly Via Salaria Nova deal with three tiles reading "Peace be stain you, Philomena."

    All that testing known transfer St. Philomena's life be handys from a Neapolitan nun's vision. Girl Maria Luisa di Gesu claims Nod off. Philomena came to stress and great her she was description daughter mention a Hellenic king who converted tenor Christianity. When Philomena was 13-years-old, she took a vow friendly consecrated virginity.

    After her papa took his family finish off Rome acquiesce make placidness, Emperor Diocletian fell strengthen love work to rule Philomena. When she refused to spliced him, she was subjected to torture.

    St. Philomena was scourged, drowned with potent anchor joined to bunch up, and crack with arrows. Each hold your horses she was attacked angels took allot her adjourn and recovered her check prayer.

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    St. Philomena

    Little is known about the life of St. Philomena. However, it is believed she was a Greek princess who became a virgin martyr and died at 13-years-old.

    Remains of a young lady were discovered in May 1802 at the Catacombs of Priscilla on the Via Salaria Nova with three tiles reading "Peace be to you, Philomena."

    All that is known about St. Philomena's life comes from a Neapolitan nun's vision. Sister Maria Luisa di Gesu claims St. Philomena came to her and told her she was the daughter of a Greek king who converted to Christianity. When Philomena was 13-years-old, she took a vow of consecrated virginity.

    After her father took his family to Rome to make peace, Emperor Diocletian fell in love with Philomena. When she refused to marry him, she was subjected to torture.

    St. Philomena was scourged, drowned with an anchor attached to her, and shot with arrows. Each time she was attacked angels took to her side and healed her through prayer.

    Finally, the Emperor had Philomena decapitated. According to the story, her death came on a Friday at three in the afternoon, the same as Jesus.

    Two anchors, three arrows, a palm symbol of martyrdom, and a flower were found on the tiles in her tomb, interpreted as symbols of her martyrdom.

    The nun's account states Philomena wa

    Saint Philomena

    Devotion to Saint Philomena, and all the questions surrounding her identity, have their origin at Rome on 25 May 1802, during excavations in the Catacombs of Priscilla on the Via Salaria, when the bones of a young girl of thirteen were discovered in a vial containing a liquid believed to be the blood of the Saint. The space was closed by three terracotta tiles on which was inscribed the words LUMENA / PAX TE / CUM FI. It was believed that the tiles had been inadvertently inverted, so that the inscription should have read: PAX TECUM FILUMENA, that is, “Peace be with you, Philomena.” The different images that were inscribed on the tiles -- including a palm branch and a lance -- were enough to attribute the bones within the tomb to a Christian martyr of the early ages. At the time, it was believed that the greater part of the remains found in the Catacombs came from the persecutions of the first centuries of the Christian era.

    These were the relics that were later brought to the village of Mugnano del Cardinale, in Avellino, to the church dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie, where they remain to this day. Here the first miracles were recorded by Father Francesco De Lucia, a priest of Nola, who had requested the relics from Rome. Moved by what was happening, th

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