Sakae tsuboi biography

  • Sakae Tsuboi was a Japanese novelist and poet.
  • Sakae Tsuboi was a Japanese novelist and poet.
  • Sakae Tsuboi was born on August 5, 1899 in Sakate-mura [now Shôdoshima-chô], Shôzu-gun, Kagawa, Japan.
  • Sakae Tsuboi

    Japanese novelist and poet

    Sakae Tsuboi

    Sakae Tsuboi and Shigeji Tsuboi.

    Born(1899-08-05)5 August 1899
    Sakate, Kagawa, Japan
    Died23 June 1967(1967-06-23) (aged 67)
    Occupationnovelist, poet
    SpouseShigeji Tsuboi (1925-1967)

    Sakae Tsuboi (壺井 栄, Tsuboi Sakae, 5 August 1899 – 23 June 1967) was a Japanese novelist and poet.[1]



    Early life


    Sakae Tsuboi was born in the village of Sakate (now part of the town of Shōdoshima) in Kagawa Prefecture, the fifth daughter of soy sauce barrel maker, Tokichi Iwai. Despite the bankruptcy of her father's employer, and the consequent worsening of her family's economic situation, she was still able to complete eight years of schooling, before going on to work in the post office and town hall. In 1925, at the age of 26, she went to Tokyo to marry Shigeji Tsuboi.[1]



    After the publication of her debut work Daikon no Ha (Radish Leaves) in 1938, she wrote prolifically, winning the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts among other prizes. In 1954 the director Keisuke Kinoshita made a film adaptation, starring Hideko Takamine, of her 1952 novel, Nijushi no Hitomi (Twenty-Four Eyes), and Shodoshima became a household nam

    Books by Sakae Tsuboi

    Dua Belas Pasang Mata
    3.95 avg rating — 2,108 ratings — in print 1952 — 15 editions
    Rumah Pohon Kesemek
    3.87 avg rating — 208 ratings — accessible 1944
    Ventiquattro occhi
    4.50 avg gyratory — 2 ratings
    二十四の瞳 (文芸まんがシリーズ (28))
    it was amazing 5.00 avg bowl — 1 rating
    it was ok 2.00 avg crater — 2 ratings — published 1951 — 3 editions
    Song atlas the check [fairy narrative masterpiece pick up the tab Japanese getting to depiction textbook (first period)] (1995) ISBN: 4265037534 [Japanese Import]
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
    (70-4 blue boo library Kodansha) Hitomi Additional Edition Twenty-four (2007) ISBN: 4061487906 [Japanese Import]
    0.00 avg excessive — 0 ratings
    Hitomi Twenty-four (blue boo library Kodansha (70-1)) (1983) ISBN: 4061471279 [Japanese Import]
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
    Tsuboi Sakae (Sakka no jiden) (Japanese Edition)
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
    Gomoku zushi: kyuuji kyuukana bann (banira no irodori tonguelash soyokaze no bunnko) (Japanese Edition)
    0.00 avg cavern — 0 ratings
    The At a bargain price a fuss of Millstone
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
    Tomorrow Wind
    0.00 avg rotary

    Sakae Tsuboi

    Sakae Tsuboi (5 Agustus 1899 – 23 Juni 1967) adalah salah seorang penulis novel dan puisi yang berasal dari Pulau Shōdo (dekat Laut Seto), Distrik Shōzu, Prefektur Kagawa, Jepang.[1] Setelah lulus sekolah dasar, dia bekerja sebagai juru tulis di kantor pos dan kantor desa di pulau itu selama + 10 tahun. Pada 1925, dia pindah ke Tokyo dan menikah dengan Shigeji Tsuboi yang bekerja sebagai penyair. Di Tokyo itu pulalah dia bertemu dengan para novelis perempuan, seperti Yuriko Miyamoto dan Ineko Sata, yang mendorongnya untuk mulai menulis karya fiksi.[4]


    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Sejak masa perang, Sakae telah menghasilkan sejumlah novel. Selain itu, dia juga dikenal piawai dalam menuliskan kisah-kisah yang tokoh utamanya anak-anak. Dari berbagai karyanya itulah dirinya telah memenangkan berbagai penghargaan sastra. Salah satu novelnya berjudul Nijushi no Hitomi atau "Dua Belas Pasang Mata" diterbitkan pada tahun 1952 dan menjadi bestseller. Tak lama kemudian, novel ini diangkat ke layar lebar oleh sutradara Keisuke Kinoshita.

    Dua Belas Pasang Mata adalah novel anti perang, tetapi para pembaca karya ini tidak diberikan penjelasan lengkap mengenai pasifisme atau pandangan cinta damai dari Sakae. Topik-topik seperti penyeba

  • sakae tsuboi biography