Rusdi kirana wiki indonesia
File:Rusdi Kirana, Wakil Ketua MPR RI (2024).jpg
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Rusdi Kirana
Indonesian businessperson and politician (b. 1965)
Rusdi Kirana (born 17 August 1963) is an Indonesian businessman. He is the founder of Indonesian budget no-frills airlineLion Air which introduced both domestic and international flights, using the slogan, "We make people fly". On January 19, 2015, he was chosen by President Joko Widodo to become a member of the Presidential Advisory Council.[1][2] In the political field, since January 12, 2014, he served as Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party.[3]
[edit]Rusdi started his aviation business in October 1999. With an initial capital of US$10 million, he initiated the "revolution" in the world of aviation with a low cost carrier concept.[citation needed] The breakthrough was causing trouble for other airlines. In just six years, Lion had 24 aircraft consisting of 19 MD-80 and five DHC-8-301 aircraft. In terms of passenger numbers, Lion won over 600,000 people per month or controlled 40% of all market segments. In 2004 Lion Air took second place in number of passengers transported, behind Garuda Indonesia. He continues to develop Lion Air's businesses and intends to become a market leader in domestic flights. So he continued to prepare for the