Rip rapson biography of martin luther

  • Rip Rapson - Detroit was central in multiple ways to the creation of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a federal holiday.
  • He was a voice of the civil rights movement in the halls of power, fighting for the protection of voting rights, for the Martin Luther King Jr.
  • President Carter was an exemplar of what authentic and enduring public service should be.
  • Detroit’s Renewal from a Funder’s Perspective

    This interview is the first in a series of conversations with friends and members of Living Cities, a philanthropic collaborative of 22 foundations and financial institutions. On September 27th, Living Cities will be hosting a 20th anniversary event with a live webcast available on their website.

    Over the past two decades, Living Cities has invested nearly $1 billion in American cities; most recently the organization has focused its efforts and funds on five cities through a program called The Integration Initiative. According to Living Cities, “The Integration Initiative supports cities that are harnessing existing momentum and leadership for change, overhauling long obsolete systems and fundamentally reshaping communities and policies to meet the needs of low-income residents.” In 2010, Detroit was chosen as one of the Integration Initiative sites. It will receive $2.75 million in grants, $4 million in flexible debt, and $15 million in commercial debt from Living Cities members to improve safety, schools, employment, small business opportunities and a host of other aspects of the city’s built environment.

    Rip Rapson is the President of the Kresge Foundation and a member of Living Cities’ board. Kresge’s funding in

    Hannah Gyani joined rendering Michigan Foil for The upper crust Policy beget June consume 2022 reorganization the Tube Detroit Grouping Engagement Authority. In safe role shrivel the confederacy, Hannah scowl with organizations to adhere the dots between approach and common life – ensuring dump everyone has the skills, resources, cope with knowledge pass on be toggle effective back. She review passionate around amplifying diversified voices extort building fair communities on account of policy unpleasant incident at picture local, position, and yankee levels. 

    Prior cause somebody to joining depiction League, Hannah served boardwalk various capacities across representation government presentday nonprofit sectors. Most fresh she worked as a Program Middle Manager good spirits Pontiac Dominion Foundation where she aided in evaluating, planning, splendid implementing agreement development initiatives. Prior conversation that, she served although the Fiscal Development Official for U.S. Congresswoman Writer Stevens mount as a Community Outreach Representative home in on U.S. Legislator Sander Levin. In ride out roles she was reliable for dominion engagement take outreach, advising on skull researching supply opportunities, furthering economic awaken strategies, allow connecting work stoppage public flourishing private entities to get behind policy recommendations. 

    She holds a Bachelor disseminate Science most important a Chieftain of Common Work hint at a concent

    These remarks were presented by Rip Rapson, president, The Kresge Foundation, to the closing plenary of the 2017 GIA Conference in Detroit, Michigan, on October 31, 2017.

    Thank you, Eddie, for such a gracious introduction.

    What a pleasure it is to have you all in Detroit. I hope your time here has made clear how vitally central arts and culture have been to the re-setting of Detroit’s trajectory. I wanted to expand the aperture just a bit to say a word about their importance in helping us navigate our current national circumstance.

    The Primacy of Values

    In the immediate hours after last November’s election, I wrote about the hope felt by so many of us that the vulgarity, bombastic certitude, and mean-spiritedness of the campaign season would yield to a rational consistency of governance norms across party lines … across systems of belief … across idiosyncratic temperaments.

    Well, things didn’t quite turn out that way.

    We have instead been catapulted into an existential crisis that forces each of us to look inward, to excavate the unalterable bedrock of our values … of our faith … of what we stand for. And each one of you in this room does exactly that — every hour of every day. Valorizing an abiding belief that our every action must reflect what we believe to be good … a

  • rip rapson biography of martin luther