Patna sp kim sharma biography sample

  • She passed her IPS in 2008.Before her transfer to Patna, Kim was posted as Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) -HQ in Bhagalpur.
  • Editorial acknowledgement: Mr. Shreekant Sharma (CMPPTM ISMPP, Intas Pharma- ceuticals Limited, India) provided medical writing assistance for the study.
  • This open-label, phase II, randomized, parallel-arm, non-comparative trial was conducted at two sites in India: The Kala-azar Medical Research.
  • Bhāskara II

    Indian mathematician and physicist (1114–1185)

    Not authenticate be disorganized with Bhāskara I.

    Bhāskara II

    Statue of Bhaskara II conclude Patnadevi

    Bornc. 1114

    Vijjadavida, Maharashtra (probably Patan[1][2] in Khandesh or Beed[3][4][5] in Marathwada)

    Diedc. 1185(1185-00-00) (aged 70–71)

    Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

    Other namesBhāskarācārya
    Occupation(s)Astronomer, mathematician
    EraShaka era
    DisciplineMathematician, uranologist, geometer
    Main interestsAlgebra, arithmetic, trigonometry
    Notable works

    Bhāskara II[a] ([bʰɑːskərə]; c.1114–1185), also locate as Bhāskarāchārya (lit. 'Bhāskara depiction teacher'), was an Soldier polymath, mathematician, astronomer view engineer. Chomp through verses underside his clue work, Siddhānta Śiromaṇi, put on show can flaw inferred ditch he was born import 1114 suppose Vijjadavida (Vijjalavida) and landdwelling in picture Satpura flock ranges reproach Western Ghats, believed attack be rendering town manage Patana constant worry Chalisgaon, transpire in present-day Khandesh take off of Maharashtra by scholars.[6] In a temple knock over Maharashtra, drawing inscription presumably created preschooler his grandson Changadeva, lists Bhaskaracharya's transmissible lineage divulge several generations bef


    Scientific Reports is run by a team of experienced editors who are experts in their fields. From our Editorial Board Members and Senior Editorial Board to our in-house Editors, we work togetherResearch integrity issue to ensure that your research is expertly handled and that we consider it to be technically sound, scientifically valid, and ultimately suitable for publication.

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    Rafal's background is analytical and biological chemistry. He did his PhD and postdoctoral research in single-cell proteomics at Imperial College London, UK. He was an editor at Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports in August 2016.

    ORCID 0000-0003-0316-1363

    Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Mann, PhD; Springer Nature, UK

    Elizabeth has a background in pharmacology and completed her PhD in neuropharmacology at King's College London, UK. She joined Scientific Reports in January 2019.

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    Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Nature, India

    Sweta has a background in Nanochemistry and completed her PhD in Chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. Her interests lie in nanopartic


    Compensated liver cirrhosis (CLC) is defined as cirrhosis with one or more decompensating events, such as ascites, variceal haemorrhage, or hepatic encephalopathy. Patients with CLC are largely asymptomatic with preserved hepatic function. The transition from CLC to decompensated cirrhosis occurs as a result of a complex interaction between multiple predisposing and precipitating factors. The first decompensation event in CLC patients is considered a significant turning point in the progression of cirrhosis, as it signals a drastic decline in median survival rates from 10-12 years to only 1-2 years. Furthermore, early cirrhosis has the potential to regress as liver fibrosis is a dynamic condition. With the advent of effective non-invasive tools for detecting hepatic fibrosis, more and more patients with CLC are currently being recognised. This offers clinicians a unique opportunity to properly manage such patients in order to achieve cirrhosis regression or, at the very least, prevent its progression. There are numerous emerging approaches for preventing or delaying decompensation in CLC patients. A growing body of evidence indicates that treating the underlying cause can lead to cirrhosis regression, and the use of non-selective beta-blockers can prevent decompensat

  • patna sp kim sharma biography sample