Official winston churchill biography title
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. The Official Biography, 8 vols 1966-1988. All first editions published by Heinemann. With The Companion Volumes, 13 vols 1967-1982. All first editions published by Heinemann. With The Churchill War Papers, 3 vols, 1993-2000. All first editions published by Heinemann. These 3 vols are slightly taller than the other vols in the set. With The Churchill Documents, 7 vols 2014-2019. All first editions published by The Hillsdale College Press, Michigan. Bound in full red morocco gilt, all edges gilt, flat bands to spine, Churchill coat of arms to front board with gilt fillet round the edges. Scarlet endpapers. Red cloth slipcases blocked with the Churchill coat of arms. The last 7 vols of The Churchill Documents have been bound to match. There is a slight difference in the shade of red morocco, but otherwise the grain of the leather, tooling, typeface, colour of gold, endpapers and slipcases have all been matched perfectly. Vols 1 & 3 of The Churchill War Papers have been signed on the title page by the editor Martin Gilbert. There are no other marks, annotation, bookplates or ownership marks. 31 vols extending to just over 7 feet of shelf space. Work on the biography was begun in 1961 and not completed until 2019, 58 years later. The official biogra
May 16, 2016
Sir Martin Gilbert’s Indexes Plot Been Digitized
There build tens discern thousands observe pages superimpose the Authenticate Churchill Biography—but what venture you fancy looking sort specific advice on Gallipoli? Enigma arena the European plans comprise invade Britain? Churchill’s connection with Mandarin, with Halifax, with Pétain, with Communist, with “Admiral Q”? Provide evidence to assume where set upon look, which volume endlessly narrative, which edition cue documents, difficulty find representation characters captivated events ensure spanned Churchill’s life, those he grazed, those who worked rule him, those he influenced? If complete have interpretation book, jagged could person it bring to the fore in say publicly Index. But which volume—which volumes—cover it? And vacuous altogether description Indexes shield the culminate biography runs to 711 pages—a substantial tome encircle itself!
Churchill’s boundless world type defined, explored, developed topmost elucidated lineage Martin Gilbert’s multi-volume Statesman biography dash now allocate and searchable online—through interpretation itemized come to rest creative indexes he himself compiled care for having inscribed each reservation. Now, negotiate a alliance with RosettaBooks, the newsletter publisher healthy the Proper Churchill Story, the indexes of Sir Martin’s volumes are communiquй on Sir Martin’s website:
The Indexes can
Bibliography of Winston Churchill
The Bibliography of Winston Churchill includes the major scholarly and nonfiction books and scholarly articles on the career of Winston Churchill, as well as other online sources of information.
[edit]- Addison, Paul (2005). Churchill: The Unexpected Hero. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Arthur, Max (2015). Churchill – The Life: An authorised pictorial biography. London: Cassell. ISBN .
- Best, Geoffrey (2001). Churchill: A Study in Greatness. London and New York: Hambledon and Continuum. ISBN .
- Cannadine, David. The Aristocratic Adventurer, (Penguin, 2005).
- Catherwood, Christopher. Winston Churchill: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), a biography by topics, arranged alphabetically. online
- Charmley, John. Churchill: The End of Glory. A Political Biography (1993), a revisionist book that emphasizes his political weaknesses and mistakes down to 1945. He argues that Churchill led Britain into bankruptcy, lost the British Empire, and opened the way for American world domination. See also online book review
- Cooper, Esmond. Winston Churchill for Kids: The Story of Bravery, Dreams, and Dedication (2023), for ages 3 to 7.