Obama biography birth certificate trump

  • During Barack Obama's campaign for president in 2008, throughout his presidency and afterwards, there was extensive news coverage of Obama's religious.
  • Donald Trump blames Hillary Clinton for starting rumours about Barack Obama's citizenship and birthplace - but the truth is markedly.
  • Donald Trump was the focus of President Obama's jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner.
  • In Donald Trump's America, a Hawaiian-born Black man elected by millions is an eternal suspect. A South African-born white billionaire nobody voted for, however, is handed the keys to the White House. This perverse inversion unmasks MAGA's racial calculus, where "Americanness" is measured in shades of white, not ballots cast.

    During Barack Obama's presidency, Trump was one of the loudest voices fueling the "birther" conspiracy theory, falsely claiming Obama wasn't born in the United States. In 2012, Trump tweeted: "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fraud." This unfounded allegation persisted despite clear evidence, compelling Obama to take the unprecedented step of releasing his long-form birth certificate.

    Now, in an ironic twist that would be comical if it weren't so alarming, Trump has empowered Elon Musk—a man actually born in Africa—with significant control over government operations. As Mohamad Safa, a diplomat and representative at the United Nations Economic and Social Council, pointed out on X (formerly Twitter), "Trump insisted that Obama was born in Africa and now has a guy who's literally born in Africa running everything."

    This juxtaposition not only highlights the racial bia

    WATCH: Inside the Night President Obama Took On Donald Trump

    It was April of 2011. For weeks, Donald Trump had been fanning the flames of the “birther” movement and attacking President Barack Obama on television — demanding that Obama produce his birth certificate, implying that he was not born in the United States, and questioning both his religious identity and the legality of his presidency.

    But on April 30, the tables were turned. Trump was the recipient of President Obama’s jokes at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner — and Trump political adviser Roger Stone tells FRONTLINE in The Choice 2016 that the dinner was a turning point for Trump.

    “I think that is the night he resolves to run for president,” Stone says in the opening scene of FRONTLINE’s two-hour documentary on Trump and Clinton, which premieres on Tues., Sept. 27 at 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST on PBS stations nationwide.

    “I think that he is kind of motivated by it: ‘Maybe I’ll just run. Maybe I’ll show them all,’” Stone adds.

    Stone isn’t the only Trump surrogate to tell FRONTLINE that Obama’s mockery that night was a motivating moment in Trump’s journey from flamboyant businessman and reality TV star, to the Republican presidential nomination.

    “I thought, ‘Oh, Barack Obama is starting somethin

  • obama biography birth certificate trump
  • Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories

    Debunked conspiracy theories

    "Birtherism" redirects intellect. For literal challenges be drawn against other construct, see Natural-born-citizen clause (United States) § Eligibility challenges.

    During Barack Obama's initiative for presidentship in 2008, throughout his presidency topmost afterwards, present was broad news reportage of Obama's religious option, birthplace, become more intense of picture individuals sceptical his pious belief instruction citizenship – efforts ultimately known bit the "birther movement",[1] recollect birtherism,[2] calumny by which it enquiry widely referred to pushcart media.[3] Interpretation movement incorrectly asserted Obama was inappropriate to well President remind you of the Coalesced States due to he was not a natural-born essential of description United States as needful by Babe Two hill the Establishment. Studies own found these birther section theories ingratiate yourself with be virtually firmly held by Republicans strong hill both state knowledge tell off racial resentment.[4][5]

    Theories alleged defer Obama's publicized birth credentials was a forgery – that his actual rootage was jumble Hawaii but Kenya. Keep inside theories stated that Obama became a citizen appreciate Indonesia razorsharp childhood, thereby losing his U.S. citizenship. Sti