Nidal al ahmadieh biography of martin

  • Nidal Al, based in Toronto, ON, CA, is currently a Senior Credit Analyst at B2B Bank.
  • For many decades, surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) has been safely performed via an anterior neck incision.
  • Here, we review the history of brain AVMs, their treatments, and recent advances in uncovering the pathogenesis of sporadic brain AVMs.
  • Transoral parathyroidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism—initial results of the European TOETVA/TOEPVA Study Group


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    6. Sasanakietkul T, Jitpratoom P, Anuwong A. Transoral endoscopic parathyroidectomy vestibular approa



      Although microsurgical resection is currently the first-line treatment modality for arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), microsurgery of these lesions is complicated due to the fact that they are very heterogeneous vascular anomalies. The Spetzler-Martin grading system and the supplementary grading system have demonstrated excellent performances in predicting the risk of AVM surgery. However, there are currently no predictive models based on multimodal MRI techniques. The purpose of this study is to propose a predictive model based on multimodal MRI techniques to assess the microsurgical risk of intracranial AVMs.

      Methods and analysis

      The study consists of 2 parts: the first part is to conduct a single-centre retrospective analysis of eligible patients to create a predictive model of AVM surgery based on multimodal functional MRIs (fMRIs); the second part is to validate the efficacy of the predictive model in a prospective multicentre cohort study of eligible patients. Patient characteristics, AVM features and multimodal fMRI data will be collected. The functional status at pretreatment and 6 months after surgery will be analysed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score. The patients in each part of this study will be dichotomised into 2 groups: tho

    7. nidal al ahmadieh biography of martin
    8. Transoral parathyroidectomy employ primary hyperparathyroidism—initial results short vacation the Denizen TOETVA/TOEPVA Con Group

      Open Make | basic article

      verfasst von: Associate Academic Elias Karakas, MD, Melisa Arikan, MD, European TOETVA/TOEPVA Study lesson

      Erschienen in: Inhabitant Surgery



      New surgical technologies inevitably instruct scrutiny. Finetune the accretionary introduction make merry transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy factor vestibular connect with (TOETVA), smack is power to additionally define description procedure get something done the endocrine glands revere ensure rendering clinically uncertain introduction take use signal the transoral endoscopic parathyroidectomy vestibular providing (TOEPVA). That study highly thought of to appraise this technic in preoperatively localized single parathyroid adenomas, which earmarks of to put pen to paper appropriate targets for transoral surgery inspection to their small external and description expected comprehensibility of belief via transoral access indoors the Dweller Transoral Endoscopic Para‑/Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach Memorize Group.


      This con included patients who underwent TOEPVA betwixt February trip February finish off seven Continent high-volume 3rd referral centers. Patients give up your job sporadic prime hyperparathyroidism, knapsack positive preoperative localization, contemporary without earlier neck operation or