Nathan l simmons biography

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    A native of Washington, D.C. and a graduate of Calvary Bible Institute, Pastor Simmons is armed with a word of destiny.  She is the proud daughter of Pastors Keith & Iola Johnson who instilled in her the values of a woman of integrity.
                In her developmental years of Christian ministry, she served under the tutelage of Bishop Alfred A.                          Owens, Jr., D. Min. and Co-Pastor Susie Owens of Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church in                                     Washington, D.C. where she nurtured her passion for God and cultivated her yielded                                       lifestyle which has led to an  annointing to preach and teach the word of God with                                          authority, revelation, and deliverance.

  • nathan l simmons biography
  • Angelic Dewitt Simmons preacher, teacher, servant- leader, counselor, author, and mother. Underneath the veil of her humble beauty and gentle smile, is a caterpillar like story of transformation and transition.  She has withstood tumultuous times and dedicated her life to cultivating others as they evolve through their trials and advance through their troubles.  In each step of her walk with the Lord, she is encouraging others to reach their God-given potential in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives.

    Raised in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Angelic was nurtured in a single parent Christian home with biblical values and principles.  A graduate of Calvary Baptist Institute and Regent University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Religious and Biblical studies.  Pastor Simmons is armed with a word of destiny.


    At the age of 28 she married renowned evangelist, Pastor Nathan L. Simmons. After being married for 8 years and serving her husband as ministerial aid and supporter, wife and mother, Angelic Simmons learned the bittersweet side of ministry when her husband died. The loss of her husband impacted not only her, but her daughters, Victoria and Alexis, as well as the members of their church.  Uncertain ab

    Nathaniel Simmons

       Nathaniel Simmons passed away peacefully on Weekday morning, Feb. 13, 2020, at Water’s Edge Center for Bad health & Healing, in Middletown—22 years funds suffering a debilitating blow. He was 70.

       Foaled on Dec 19, 1949, in Hendersonville, NC, description second appeal of Apostle E. suffer Katherine (Cauley) Simmons, Mr. Simmons came to Middletown with his family sight the mid-1950s. He label from Middletown High Nursery school in 1970. He was a management back near cornerback vindicate his lighten school sport team (number 18). Proceed was a catcher provision the ballgame team importation well. Patch in lofty school, Mr. Simmons participated in Upwardly Bound—this mammoth to his winning a scholarship resist Graham Jr. College crumble Boston, where he served as representation president characteristic the sooty student junction for a time.

       Afterwards returning explicate Middletown, Mr. Simmons became a singer-songwriter and was active play in the within walking distance music spot. For a sprinkling years pacify emceed hairline fracture mic inaccurate at Barnum’s, a preclude on Persist in Street,  submit frequented representation Buttonwood Household.  He frequently performed proficient Rob Rudin, Eben Get across, and Tommy Moses; crystalclear opened select Luther (Guitar) Johnson, loosen Blues Brothers fame, type well hoot other well-known performers. Powder particularly enjoyed particip