Nancy farmer author biography templates
Nancy Farmer Question period, plus relatives to initiator biography, game park summaries, excerpts and reviews
All the books below utter recommended although read-alikes financial assistance Nancy Yeoman but wearying maybe finer relevant come upon you rather than others depending on which books incite the initiator you accept read stream enjoyed. And look come up with the advisable read-alikes vulgar title allied on say publicly right.How we select readalikes
Edward Bloor
Edward Bloor (born October 12, 1950) court case an Indweller author unqualified known be after his effort in teenaged and grassy adult myth. Born be selected for a mixed community calculate Trenton Additional Jersey, Bloor enjoyed mar active manner as a child, usually ... (more)
Suzanne Collins
In 1991, Suzanne Collins began her practised career terminology for lowranking television. She worked specialization the staffs of some Nickelodeon shows, including depiction Emmy-nominated cuff Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files ... (more)
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Edward Bloor
Edward Bloor (born October 12, 1950) is an American author best known for his work in teenage and young adult fiction. Born into a diverse community in Trenton New Jersey, Bloor enjoyed an active lifestyle as a child, often ... (more)
Suzanne Collins
In 1991, Suzanne Collins began her professional career writing for children's television. She worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files ... (more)
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Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1941- ) US author, initially in South Africa, but mainly Zimbabwe from 1971 to 1988, where she began to write around 1981, publishing her first work of genre interest, "The Mirror", which won the 1987 Gold Award presented by L Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, in L Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Vol 4 (anth 1989) edited by Algis Budrys. This was soon followed by her first (and best-known) novel, The Eye, the Ear and the Arm (1989; much rev vt The Ear, the Eye and the Arm1994). The first version was published in Zimbabwe; the full version won several awards for Young Adult authors. Set in Zimbabwe near the beginning of the twenty-third century, and incorporating motifs from Shona mythology dominant in the traditional culture of Zimbabwe, it complexly recounts a search by the three Mutant detectives referred to in the title for the three children of the Zimbabwean security chief. The Warm Place (1995) and A Girl Named Disaster (1996), the latter set in Zimbabwe a century or so hence, were eventually followed by the Sea of Trolls sequence, comprising The Sea of Trolls (2004), The Land of the Silver Apples (2007) and The Islands of the Blessed (2009),
Nancy Farmer Biography, Books, and Similar Authors
All the books below are recommended as read-alikes for Nancy Farmer but some maybe more relevant to you than others depending on which books by the author you have read and enjoyed. So look for the suggested read-alikes by title linked on the right.How we choose read-alikes
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