Mullanezhi biography books

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    andaaleoneno ape masietezesiol cin! soanszoo seeslamasioa) Anes) aaaenine clwawsr2sI0 maaZdq) (nis (oianno marnsmad, scoms9geM apr sonIadsAnoOD (eTOXOG DoanrT soho lamze elakampe ejuaomed) agoysrcucTEdd MEA (EXIM, ENG GB AIMIBBAAMo aldlapad .—PATMEIAIAIS eeales eoamrd mouleags. CaLteooratona9;00a} aio emia a00m00Aii@'29).ia] ) A wome@ }all 90) eomesqpesiooan. anaes} wopiodg ajv9G@ (ni@hoeMnf) aeneglae ¢aseaDe Nala} eowenggzos! agonemoesetaya) 28 (nimmead6% amet emanje saileoo08 ciaselgfae7rek ademanhesymengions a

    S. K. Vasanthan

    Indian academic and Malayalam language writer

    S. K. Vasanthan is a Malayalam history researcher, academic and writer from Kerala, India. He has published several books in various genres such as essay, novel, short story, history of Kerala and translation.

    He received several awards including Ezhuthachan Puraskaram, Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award for Scholarly Literature and Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award for Overall Contributions.



    S. K. Vasanthan was born on 17 November , at Edappally in present-day Ernakulam district to Karunakara Menon and Thathampally Saraswathi Amma.[1] After completing post graduate degree in Malayalam and English and Phd from the University of Kerala, he taught at Kalady Sreesankara College and Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University for 35 years.[1]

    Chinta Publishers published his novel Ente Gramam, Ente Janatha (translated as "My Village, My People"), which won first prize in the novel competition organised by Chinta Publishers.[1] His second novel Arakkillam was published as various parts in Mathrubhumi. Vasanthan held several positions including assistant editor at Kerala Language Institute, member of Kerala Sahitya Akademi and member of the boards of various Universities in

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