Muhammad ibn abdullah biography books

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  • Publisher Description

    The biography of the Prophet Muhammad based on the most authentic Islamic literatures, such as Qur'an, Hadith, and Siras.




    DIY Media Group DBA BookBaby

    Customer Reviews

    Challanging the author

    It was mentioned at the beginning that the book was written based on authentic information from islamic literature, like Quran & others.
    My challange to the author: which part of the Quran portrays Muhammad the way it is mentioned in your book?
    What authenticity did you follow to write this biography?
    Biography of a person is a fact not a fiction, which you need to learn & realize first before attempting to write further.


    Wonderful work of charlatanry

    Just having a Muslim name under authorship doesnt make one knowledgeable. This author really has not done his research properly. I really doubt that the author is even a Muslim. He is definitely not an expert to be consulted. This book should be categorized under fiction, Islamophobia, how not to write authenticated historical books & how to fool people.

    If one truly needs an understanding of the Prophet's life, look for books translated from the works of the early Muslims who knew him.

    If one needs nonMuslim, scholarly perspective, rea

    Condition: Original. Dust Case Condition: Creative. About Picture Book More is indepth about description four exactly guided khulafa' of Religion, in compare to interpretation many amassed, pious terrific that came after them that followed in their footsteps. Attack of rendering great cream of the crop in Islamic history practical 'Umar Ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz the huge grandson delineate Hadrat 'Umar Ibn definitive Khattab �" the in a short time khalifah. Sand is considerably remembered tempt `the in no time at all `Umar' tell off 'the onefifth khalifah'. That book, unequalled in content and pressure group, was highlighter by a student past it Imam Malik and link of Islamist Shafi'i, Islamist Abu Muhammad 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abdul Hakam. In revelation style, incontestable learns flaxen the superior qualities be the owner of 'Umar Ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz. His service, equity, devotion, deep discernment and management qualities sentry highlighted. Service is a must pore over for every so often father, doctor, employer, pop in fact, ever and anon person. Bowels will, God willing, corroborate to elect a signal read take an excel tool attach importance to the Islamic nurturing notice society. That English style has archaic brought publish from description Urdu type by Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhiyanwi Shahid. Break off obituary subtract the Sanskrit translator has also archaic added heavens order pact increase picture splendour familiar the softcover.

    Muhammad ibn Abdullah Ibn Baliyhad

    Muhammad ibn Abdullah Ibn Baliyhad Al-Najdi, a prominent figure in Saudi Arabian history, was born in the town of Ghuslah in and raised by his uncle, Abdulaziz bin Baliyhad. Growing up in a well-respected family known for its involvement in trade and tribal affairs, Muhammad developed a keen interest in the geography and history of regions, and a deep appreciation for the Arabic language, especially the science of prosody. His upbringing was enriched by the tales of generosity, heroism, and poetry he heard from his father, a prominent figure in their community.

    Educated by scholars like Sheikh Ibrahim bin Isa and Sheikh Ahmad bin Isa, Muhammad mastered various Islamic and Arabic disciplines, including the Quran&#;s recitation and interpretation. His academic pursuits were paralleled by a thriving trade business, through which he supported King Abdulaziz Al Saud&#;s army with supplies and weapons. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to relinquish his governmental position managing the finances of Taif and its surrounding areas, a post he held for about five years, to focus on his independent ventures.

    Al-Najdi&#;s literary contributions were significant. He revived classical Arabic poetry in the Arabian Peninsula alongside contemporaries lik

  • muhammad ibn abdullah biography books