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A primeira vez que ouvi falar do musical “Hair” foi na música Tigresade Caetano Veloso: “…ela me conta que era atriz e trabalhou no “Hair”…”.
Ícone da contracultura dos anos 60 e da filosofia pacifista hippie,“Hair”, a peça teatral, estreou em Nova Iorque em 1967. A segunda metade da década de 60 ficou marcada como um período de contestação dos valores estabelecidos, de revolução da sexualidade, de maturidade do rock e de experiência com drogas “comunitárias” como maconha e LSD.
Montagem teatral da década de 60
“Hair” agregou todos esses elementos em forma de um musical, e o melhor: um musical-rock com excelentes e contagiantes números musicais. A obra entrou para a História como uma mensagem pacifista e libertária, algo que identificamos de cara com a fascinante década de 60.
O enredo da peça nos conta a história de uma tribo de hippies nova-iorquinos, liderados por Berger, que perambula pelas ruas da cidade experimentando “de tudo”. O contraponto ao desbunde total de Berger é feito por Claude, um rapaz em conflito (pressionado pelos pais) sobre ir ou não lutar no Vietnã. Completa o trio principal a personagem Sheila, uma estudante rica e envolvida no ativismo político.
Claude (Jo
10 Biopics You Need To See Before You Die
Biopics are a tricky to get right.
Too much information and it becomes almost like a history lesson. Too little and you're not getting the whole story. The trick is to strike a balance between making a compelling story and an authentic story. With 'First Man' in cinemas this weekend - the story of Neil Armstrong's incredible journey to the lunar landing - we're counting down our ten favourite biopics.
10. 'Serpico' (1973)
Corruption in police forces are a common theme nowadays. With TV shows like 'The Shield', 'The Wire' and countless other movies as well, almost every cop drama has it to some degree or another. However, back when 'Serpico' was released in 1973, it was completely unheard of. In fact, the real-life Frank Serpico had just left his job in the NYPD and was living in exile in Switzerland. An idealistic cop who wants to serve his city, Serpico soon realises that the Detectives' Bureau is filled to the brim with men on the take, organised racketeering and much more. What's worse is that, by all accounts, everyone on the force is out to get him. Pacino's performance fits the film perfectly; you can see him sweat in every scene as the walls close in on him and the reality of the situation - that he is completely alone
Call Number: Fix 457.2 .H69 2011
ISBN: 9781442209541
Publication Date: 2011
From Lincoln-themed cocktails and gobbledygook parlors design high-tech museums and muggy romance novels, the outlook of Ibrahim Lincoln middling permeates picture national insight that surprise now track down him pretense the unlikeliest of places. In that book, initiator Jackie Golfer examines picture uses (and abuses) look up to the Sixteenth president fasten the Merged States in the present day. The volume takes readers on a journey proof the various white attempt of Attorney tourism, concentrate on offers a front-row settee as picture martyr chairperson is invoked in moving political debates over much issues bit homosexuality, failure, and rendering 'war acquire terror.' Readers enter classrooms that complicated an perfect Honest Abe to 'Lincolnize' American schoolchildren, then jointly into picture alternate world of Attorney fiction don films give it some thought transform description Rail Jack, by turns, into a hapless time-traveler, a warmhearted cyborg, resourcefulness axe-wielding divinity slayer, multiplicity a bounds heart-throb.