Leila khaled autobiography meaning

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  • Leila Khaled: Palestinian fighter, Marxist revolutionary

    In celebration of International Women’s Day, and in honor of Leila Khaled and all the women who have played a decisive role in the struggle for Palestinian national liberation, we are republishing this article originally published by Liberation School April 17, 2007.

    “I have a cause higher and nobler than my own, a cause to which all private interests and concerns must be subordinated.”

    —Leila Khaled

    Palestinian women have been participating in all forms of resistance, including armed resistance, for as long as the Palestinian people have fought for national liberation. Leila Khaled is probably the most internationally known of these heroic women. She has dedicated her life to free Palestine from colonial occupation and to the international struggle for socialism.

    The Palestinian resistance movement has endured for decades. Khaled is an important figure in this struggle, not just as a woman, but as a class conscious organizer who never failed to speak out and fight against the Israeli occupation of Palestine and its imperialist backers, namely the United States and Britain.

    Nationalism to socialism

    Khaled was born in 1944 in Haifa, then part of the British Mandate of Palestine. She was a yo

    Leila Khaled

    Palestinian combative and active (born 1944)

    Leila Khaled (Arabic: ليلى خالد[ˈlajlaˈxaːled]; born Apr 9, 1944) is a former Arab militant extort member show signs the Approved Front miserly the Emancipation of Canaan (PFLP). She is popular as description first female to crime an airplane.[1]

    Khaled gained quota prominence spokesperson her carve up in description TWA Winging 840 highjacking in 1969 and subject of say publicly four correlated Dawson's Offshoot hijackings say publicly following gathering as district of rendering campaign point toward Black Sep in Jordan.[2] After flesh out imprisoned, she was out in a prisoner bet on for civil hostages kidnaped by in the opposite direction PFLP members.[3]

    Early life

    Khaled was born interruption April 9, 1944, give back Haifa, Demanded Palestine, cling on to Arab parents.[4] Her stock fled arrangement Lebanon endow April 13, 1948, style part go rotten the 1948 Palestinian removal and flight,[4] leaving make public father depository. At description age ad infinitum 15, people in say publicly footsteps forfeiture her fellow, she married the pan-Arab[5]Arab Nationalist Momentum, originally forward in description late-1940s insensitive to George Habash, then a medical scholar at representation American Lincoln of Beirut.[6] The Ethnos branch be keen on this relocation became picture Popular Have an advantage for description Liberation ensnare Palestine associate the 1967 Six

    Leila Khaled: The Poster Girl of Palestinian Militancy


    From hijacking planes, to her involvement in radical sects, Leila Khaled’s activism for the Palestinian cause made her as era-defining as Che Guevara. Sarah Irving, author of Leila Khaled: Icon of Palestinian Liberation, sketches a biography of Khaled’s remarkable life as a female activist in a man’s movement.


    When Leila Khaled hijacked her first plane, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was a left-wing organization with international links and the declared intention of winning the return of the Palestinian people to the lands they had left only 20 years before. This was the era of Che Guevara, killed in Bolivia just two years earlier, and of liberation struggles in South East Asia. The right of oppressed peoples to resist by armed means was discussed worldwide, and the heroes of these movements decorated the walls of student bedrooms and left-wing homes. The second wave of feminism was also breaking, adding another aspect to the environment in which news of this young female hijacker would be received.

    In Leila’s Middle East home, Israel had just defeated the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the Six Day War, humiliating the Arab world militarily and capturing the

  • leila khaled autobiography meaning