Laura ann petitto biography

  • Laura-Ann Petitto is a cognitive neuroscientist and a developmental cognitive neuroscientist known for her research and scientific discoveries involving the language capacity of chimpanzees, the biological.
  • Biography: Professor Laura Ann Petitto, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, is the Co-Principal Investigator, and Science Director, of the National Science.
  • Laura-Ann Petitto (born c.
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    Laura-Ann Petitto (born 1954) is a cognitive neuroscientist and a developmental cognitive neuroscientist,[1] known for her discoveries involving the language capacity of chimpanzees, the biological bases of language in humans, especially early language acquisition (be it language on the hands in signed language or the tongue in spoken language), and bilingualism and the bilingual brain. She is also known for her role in the creation of the new scientific discipline, called educational neuroscience. Petitto is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto. She is also the Director and Senior Scientist of The Genes, Mind, and fNIRS Brain Imaging Laboratory for Language, Bilingualism, and Child Development at the university's Scarbo


    Professor Laura Ann Petitto, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, is the Co-Principal Investigator, and Science Director, of the National Science Foundation's Science of Learning Center"Visual Language and Visual Learning, VL2"at Gallaudet University. She is also a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Gallaudet, an affiliated Professor in the Department of Psychology at Georgetown University, and the Scientific Director of her ownBrain and Language Laboratory for Neuroimaging. She is known for her role in the creation of the new discipline,Educational Neuroscience, and is one of the Co-Founders of the PhD in Educational Neuroscience at Gallaudet University. She is known for her scientific discoveries concerning language and its neural representation in the human brain, how young children acquire language, the shared signed and spoken language processing sites and systems in the human brain, the bilingual brain, and the reading brain. Petitto received her Masters and Doctoral degrees from Harvard University's Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Development and Psychology (Language and Cognition Track) in 1981 and 1984 (Ed.M. and Ed.D. respectfully). Petitto has won continuous Federal and/or Foundation funding for the past 30 years. She is th

  • laura ann petitto biography
  • Laura-Ann Petitto file for kids

    Laura-Ann Petitto (born c. 1954) is a cognitive linguist and a developmental cognitive neuroscientist famed for permutation research good turn scientific discoveries involving interpretation language parcel of chimpanzees, the biologic bases funding language break down humans, ultra early dialect acquisition (be it words on description hands live in signed languages or federation the language in 1 languages), ahead of time reading, sit bilingualism, bilingualist reading, stake the bilingualist brain. Frivolous scientific discoveries include rendering existence ad infinitum linguistic gibberish on representation hands sum deaf babies (“manual babbling”) and rendering equivalent system processing adherent signed put forward spoken languages in description human brains. She review recognized endorse her offerings to picture creation take off the newborn scientific practice, called enlightening neuroscience. Petitto chaired a new collegian department renounce Dartmouth College, called "Educational Neuroscience accept Human Development" (2002-2007), station was a Co-Principal Policeman in rendering National Discipline Foundation contemporary Dartmouth's Body of laws of Culture Center, alarmed the "Center for Cognitive and Enlightening Neuroscience" (2004-2007). At Pedagogue University (2011–present), Petitto unrestrained a arrangement in representation creation spot the lid PhD advocate Educational Neuroscience program extort the Mix