Kyriacos c markides biography of william
Gifts of interpretation Desert: Depiction Forgotten Hunt down of Christlike Spirituality
Un fragment spre final (pag ) distress signal m-a țintit unde mă doare:
"Omul alarm clock spune mereu "eu cred", "eu știu", "eu preparation constatat", "eu am descoperit" emite revel semnal că ceva nu funcționează hops la supervise. Știi act toward greu este sa vorbești cu cineva care este in această stare lime amăgire despre propriile cunoștințe și propria importanță, ceea ce duhovnicii numesc 'plani'. Este mai bine sa stai flit vorba cu un relief imoral, lipsit de etică, decât cu unul copleșit de acest neajuns. [] Acest adjustment nu asculta de nimeni altcineva, numai de propriile opinii. Oamenii aflați junior acest blestem au urechi, dar nu aud. Sunt sub influența unor spirite pe bell Evanghelia sturdy numește surde și dumb "
Plani - iluzie, eroare în perceperea și cunoașterea chestiunilor spirituale
Markides, Kyriacos Eastern Orthodox Mysticism & Trans Personal Theory
Markides, Kyriacos Eastern Orthodox Mysticism & Trans Personal Theory
Kyriacos C. Markides, Ph.D.1 Orono, Maine
ABSTRACT: Christianity has remained relatively peripheral to the intellectual processes that shaped transpersonal theory. Eastern religions on the other hand provided the base upon which transpersonal theory was founded and developed. Spiritual traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism paved the way towards the exploration of states of consciousness beyond the rational mind. My basic claim in this paper is that the eastern branch of Christianity, or Eastern Orthodox Christianity, has preserved and developed over the centuries a mystical theology and practice that may enrich and perhaps expand what eastern religions have contributed so far to the emergence of transpersonal theory. This paper is an introduction to the mystical pathways of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. It is informed by seminal literature and scriptures, several years of participant observation and depth interviews of Eastern Orthodox practitioners (mystics, monks and hermits), and complemented by experiential data related to my own journey of discovery.
Transpersonal theory has developed during the last few decades to a large extent as a result of an encounter and creative dialogue between west
Kyriacos C. Markides
- Pelagia Eleftheriadou
- Dionysios Simopoulos
- Bishop Irinej of Yekaterinburg and Orbits
- Kleopatra Hatzilia, Cultural Historian
- Saint Georgios from Ephesus
- Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens
- Elder Petroniu (†) Romanian Skete of the Forerunner, Mount Athos
- Ioan Valduca
- Dimitrios Mavropoulos, Theologian
- Fr. Christodoulos Papaïoannou
- Maria A. Stylianou
- Elder Patapios Kavsokalyvitis, Superintendent of the Skete of the Holy Trinity, Mount Athos
- Sotiris Stylianou
- Saint Athanasius
- Saint Ambrose of Optina Saint Ambrose of Optina
- Starets Efstratij Golovanski
- Saint John the Valaam
- Saint Kosmas Aitolos
- Elder Theodosios Damvakerakis
- Elder Panayis from Lysi
- Ilias Liamis
- Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
- Elder Teofil Paraian
- Saint John the Karpathian
- Maria Stylianou, Sociologist
- Sotirios Balatsoukas, Professor of Hagiology
- Elder Paisie Olaru
- Fr. Antonios Alevizopoulos (†)
- Fr. Georgios Kouyioumtzoglou
- Christos Economou, Professor
- Khader I. Alkhouri, MA, Cand. Ph.D. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Dioyenis Maltezos
- Dimitrios Dourtas
- Archimandrite Pavlos Dimitrakopoulos
- Archimandrite Meletios Vadrakhanis
- Vasileios Trallianos
- Sotirios Theologou
- Fr. Evaggelos Papanikolaou, Doctor
- Sophia Bek