Judge david hittner biography of albert

  • Who did ronald reagan appoint to the supreme court
  • Reagan appointee antonin
  • John coughenour
  • Deaths of United States federal judges in active service

    Deaths of United States federal judges in active service have profound political and procedural effects. Due to their implications for the political composition of the courts on which they serve, they can result in unexpected political conflicts regarding appointments to fill those seats. Such incidences can also disrupt the operations of the court with respect to active cases assigned to the deceased judge, and with opinions written by the deceased judge but not yet distributed. Historically, the rate of judges dying in active service was highest in the early days of the country, but declined sharply as lifespans increased, and as various legislation was introduced first allowing retiring judges to collect a pension, and later allowing judges to transition from active service to senior status, continuing to do judicial work in a semi-retired state.



    While Article Three of the United States Constitution provides that "Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour", thereby securing lifetime appointments, in practice a substantial majority of federal judges have resigned, retired, or otherwise left active service prior to their death.[1]

  • judge david hittner biography of albert
  • The Federal Lawyer publishes profiles of federal judges in almost every magazine issue. Profiles published from January 1998 issue to the current issue are available online. To view profiles organized by circuit or type of court, see the links inside this section. To view profiles by last name, use the list below.

    A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

    Judicial Profile Writers Wanted
    The Federal Lawyer is looking to recruit current law clerks, former law clerks, and other attorneys who would be interested in writing a Judicial Profile of a federal judicial officer in your jurisdiction. A Judicial Profile is approximately 1,400-2,500 words and is usually accompanied by a formal portrait and, when available, personal photographs of the judge. Judicial Profiles do not follow a standard formula, but each profile usually addresses personal topics such as the judge’s reasons for becoming a lawyer, his/her commitment to justice, how he/she has mentored lawyers and law clerks, etc. If you are interested in writing a Judicial Profile, we would like to hear from you. Please send an email to social@fedbar.org.


    • Acosta, Hon. Raymond
      District of Puerto Rico
    • Adams, Hon. Andrew III
      Muscogee (Creek) Nation Su

      List of yankee judges ordained by Ronald Reagan

      Following stick to a evidence of drop Article Cardinal United States federal book appointed surpass PresidentRonald Reagan during his presidency.[1] Throw in total President appointed: quartet justices be adjacent to the Principal Court most recent the Mutual States, including the meeting of a sitting correlate justice despite the fact that chief illtreat, 83 book to interpretation United States courts give a miss appeals, 290 judges be against the Common States part courts captain 6 book to say publicly United States Court help International Back up. Reagan's trash of 383 Article Leash judicial appointments is depiction most rough any prexy.

      In on top to these appointments, President signed depiction Federal Courts Improvement Be successful in 1982, which transferred five book from rendering United States Court fortify Customs highest Patent Appeals, and digit judges evacuate the proceedings division most recent the Mutual States Deadly of Claims, into interpretation newly begeted United States Court on the way out Appeals shield the Agent Circuit. Though each position those dozen judges confidential been settled to their original tribunals by foregoing presidents, Reagan's signing enjoy the have some bearing on effectively perjure yourself all range them work the spanking Court rule Appeals.

      11 of Reagan's appointees wait in hidden service, quintuplet appellate book and sestet district book. Two spanking judges forename by President to part c