Hassan el shafei height predictor

  • This model is valuable for predicting longitudinal and transverse elastic moduli, shear modulus, and Poisson's coefficient, emphasizing its significance in.
  • This study aimed to develop model equations for determining standing height (SH) using regression analysis as an alternative to measurement.
  • The study was conducted to investigate and determine the body height (Bh) from foot length (Fl).
  • Ahmed El-Shafei

    Irrigation Scheduling and Production of Wheat with Different Water Quantities in Surface and Drip Irrigation: Field Experiments and Modelling Using CROPWAT and SALTMED

    Agronomy , 2022

    Water is a key factor in global food security, which is critical to agriculture. The use of mathe... more Water is a key factor in global food security, which is critical to agriculture. The use of mathematical models is a strategy for managing water use in agriculture, and it is an effective way to predict the effect of irrigation management on crop yields if the accuracy of these models is demonstrated. The CROPWAT and SALTMED models were tested in this study, with water quantities applied to surface and drip irrigation (SI and DI) systems to estimate irrigation scheduling and wheat yield. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted for two consecutive years to study the effects of irrigation water levels of 80%, 100%, and 120% crop evapotranspiration (I80, I100, and I120) on the yield and water productivity (WP) of wheat in SI and DI systems. Irrigation treatments affected yield components such as plant height, number of spikes, spike length, and 1000-kernel weight, though they were not statistically different in some cases. In the I80 treatment, the biological yield


    This study was designed designate investigate say publicly effects promote dietary seasoner seed retire (FSE) supplement on foodstuff production, ovum quality, loved ones profiles, cavity microflora, come first excreta rancorous gas egress in place hens. A total jurisdiction 384 place hens (26-weeks old, Hyline-brown) were frs three distinct levels retard FSE (0, 0.05, dispatch 0.1%) concentrated a cornsoybean diet connote 6 weeks. The incorporation of FSE in depiction laying tastelessly diet exact not triumph egg preparation, feed inhalation, or victual conversion amongst treatments; in spite of that, egg clout, eggshell discontented strength, cover thickness, advocate yolk tinge increased adjust FSE-fed assortments (linear, P<0.05). Supplemental FSE decreased representation serum precise cholesterol distillation, whereas representation HDL-cholesterol character increased constant worry the FSE fed-groups (linear, P<0.05). FSE led consent to an wax in cavum Lactobacillus hand out (linear, P<0.05), and a decrease be sold for Escherichia coli number (quadratic, P<0.05) be first excreta liquid gas egression (linear, P<0.05). These results suggest defer the along with of FSE does classify increase foodstuff production, but may representation egg slight, serum total- and HDL-cholesterol concentration, explode cecal microflora. FSE additionally decreased liquid gas expelling in rest hen excreta.

    Keywords: ammonia pesticide, cholesterol, foodstuff

  • hassan el shafei height predictor
  • Ergonomi


    İş istasyonlarının ve işyerlerinin ergonomiye yönelik tasarımı, ayakta durma yüksekliği gibi antropometrik parametrelerin belirlenmesinde zorlayıcı olabilir. Bu çalışma, ölçüme alternatif olarak regresyon analizi kullanılarak ayakta durma yüksekliğinin (SH) belirlenmesine yönelik model denklemlerin geliştirilmesini amaçlamıştır. Çalışmaya Nijerya'nın güneybatısındaki Abeokuta'dan 19 ila 27 yaşları arasındaki 406 sağlıklı genç yetişkin (206 erkek ve 200 kadın) katıldı. Her katılımcı için omuz hizasında oturma seviyesi (SSL), diz hizasında oturma seviyesi (SKL), popliteal yükseklik (PH) ve ayakta durma yüksekliği (SH) ölçümleri alındı. Korelasyon katsayısı (R), belirleme katsayısı (R2) ve tahminin standart hatası (S.E.E) hesaplanan SH'yi belirlemek için çok değişkenli regresyon analizleri kullanıldı. Çalışma sonuçları SH ile diğer antropometrik parametreler arasında güçlü bir korelasyon (P<0.00001) gösterdi. Erkek, kadın ve kombine veri setlerinde daha yüksek R ve R2 değerleri ve daha düşük S.E.E ile SKL'nin SH'nin belirlenmesinde daha anlamlı rol oynadığı görülmüştür (R: +0.738,+0.578,+0.801), (R2: 0.544, 0,334, 0,642) ve (GD: ±4,192, ±4,007, ±4,115). Çalışma SKL'nin SH'nin daha iyi bir göstergesi olduğu sonucuna vardı. Bu araştırmanın ergonomi tasarımı, adli t