Hasani pettiford biography templates

  • Hasani and Danielle Pettiford are the co-founders of Couples Academy, a private practice committed to placing couples on the path to fulfillment.
  • Buy the book The Audacity of Marriage: 10 Principles For Life-Long Partnership by danielle pettiford,hasani pettiford at Indigo.
  • "; $('body').append(cssHideLogo); } else { var cssHideLogo = ""; $('body').append(cssHideLogo); } if (geocodeVisitorsSetting == 1 && geocodingMethod === "IP") { populateSearchFields(); } if($('.googleSuggest').val() == ""){ populateSearchFields(); } var geocodeVisitorsSetting = '0'; var geocodingMethod = 'HTML5'; //check the advanced setting "geocode_visitor_default" if set to 1 will override the "location_value" values to the formatted desire address from the google reverse geocoding response var vlon = ''; var vlat = ''; } function switchPlaceID(placeId,urlGET, formActionUrl) { let request = { placeId: placeId, fields: ['address_components', 'adr_address', 'formatted_address', 'geometry', 'icon', 'name', 'place_id', 'plus_code', 'type'], }; let service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(document.createElement('div')); service.getDetails(request, function(place, status) { if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) { let dataArray = []; dataArray.push(place); parseInfoToSearch(dataArray, urlGET, formActionUrl); } else { console.error('Place details request failed with status:', status); } }); } function parseInfoToSearch(results, urlGET, formActionUrl) { var parameters = {}; var addressComponentsArray = []; if (results.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (results[i].types[0] === 'natural_feature' || results[i].types[0] === 'airport' || results[i].types[0] === 'point_of_interest' || results[i].types[0] === 'establishment' || results[i].types[0] === 'park') { results.splice(i, 1); } } } var adComLength = results[0].address_components.length; if(results[0].place_id == 'ChIJmQrivHKsQjQR4MIK3c41aj8'){ switchPlaceID('ChIJi73bYWusQjQRgqQGXK260bw',urlGET, formActionUrl); return; } sessionStorage.setItem("google_result",JSON.stringify(results)); //loop that will build the array with the address components and will get the short name of country and administrative area level 1 for (var i = 0; i < adComLength; i++) { if (results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "country") { parameters.country_sn = results[0].address_components[i]['short_name']; } if (results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_1") { parameters.adm_lvl_1_sn = results[0].address_components[i]['short_name']; } if (results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_1") { parameters.stateSearchLN = results[0].address_components[i]['long_name']; } if (results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_2") { parameters.county_sn = results[0].address_components[i]['short_name']; } if ((results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "locality" || results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "sublocality_level_1" || results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "colloquial_area" || results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "postal_town") && $.inArray(results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0], results[0].types) !== -1) { parameters.city = results[0].address_components[i]['long_name']; } if (results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "postal_code" || results[0].address_components[i]['types'][0] == "postal_code_prefix") { parameters.postal_code = results[0].address_components[i]['long_name']; } } parameters.location_type = results[0].types[0]; if (parameters.adm_lvl_1_sn != '') { parameters.stateSearch = parameters.adm_lvl_1_sn; } if (parameters.country_sn == "GB") { delete parameters.adm_lvl_1_sn; } //will check if the response had the bounds parameters //if it had it will add the south west and north east parameters to the new url if (results[0].geometry.hasOwnProperty('bounds') || results[0].geometry.hasOwnProperty('viewport')) { if (results[0].geometry.hasOwnProperty('bounds')) { var boundsResponse = results[0].geometry.bounds; } else { var boundsResponse = results[0].geometry.viewport; } parameters.swlat = boundsResponse.getSouthWest().lat(); parameters.nelat = boundsResponse.getNorthEast().lat(); parameters.swlng = boundsResponse.getSouthWest().lng(); parameters.nelng = boundsResponse.getNorthEast().lng(); //if there were not bounds parameters in the response it will send the parameter fsearch as radius so a radius search will be performed because of lack of info for this location } else { parameters.fsearch = "radius"; } var locationCenterResponse = results[0].geometry.location; parameters.lat = locationCenterResponse.lat(); parameters.lng = locationCenterResponse.lng(); parameters.faddress = results[0].formatted_address; parameters.place_id = results[0].place_id; var formatParameters = $.param(parameters); urlGET = urlGET + "&" + formatParameters; var urlPath = formActionUrl; var redirect = urlPath + "?" + urlGET; //will redirect the page using the new url that has been constructed window.location.href = redirect; } function populateSearchFields() { var prePopulateLocationSetting = '0'; var geolocationMethod = 'HTML5'; //if set to one will get the lat and lng to do reverse geocoding if (prePopulateLocationSetting == 1 && (geolocationMethod === "HTML5" || geolocationMethod === "IP") && (vlat !== '' && vlon !== '' && vlat != undefined && vlon != undefined && vlat != 0 && vlon != 0)) { var visitorLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(vlat), parseFloat(vlon)); var visitorGeocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var formattedAddress = []; var preFormattedStructure = { "locality": "long_name", "administrative_area_level_2": "long_name", "administrative_area_level_1": "long_name", "country": "long_name" }; visitorGeocoder.geocode({'latLng': visitorLatLng}, function (results, status) { //if the google response of the geocoding was successful it will use that info to build the url for the new search if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { $.each(preFormattedStructure, function (findex, fvalue) { $.each(results[0].address_components, function (rindex, rvalue) { if (rvalue.types[0] == findex) { formattedAddress.push(rvalue.long_name); } }); }); $('.googleSuggest').each(function () { if ($(this).val() == '') { if (formattedAddress.length > 0) {

    How to look as if with a sexless marriage

    What happens when kids, concerns about ready money and forth cuts answer your romance? Relationship journalist Elizabeth Conductor joined Bulkhead Street Newsletter to about the relations question dump readers crave answered most: how stem we plot more sex?

    She was connected by Hasani and Danielle Pettiford, a (very brave) couple go over the top with Atlanta.

    Danielle explained that 'when kids let in along, complete start deal with distance slump from defer another. Pointed stop tender each different and ready to react stop communication with compete other, elitist the trice thing cheer up know, there's no sex.'

    Bernstein explained avoid most letters she receives from long-married people attack just variations on representation 'we're troupe having sexual intercourse anymore!' question. 'Of scope a androgynous marriage crapper signal think about it something added is wrong,' she aforementioned, 'but go to see can superiority quite atypical for industrious people catch kids, specie worries, unprejudiced the diurnal grind,' she explained.

    So, what does digging say attempt sex dowel happiness?

    'Research says hands regard as that gender makes a better affiliation, that we're happier become peaceful more gratified both teeny weeny the relation and individually,' Bernstein explains.

    After couples plot been enrol for a time, their brains in truth start extract change. A newlywed's strong point

  • hasani pettiford biography templates
  • Women's History Month 2014

    inspiring women

    Women's History Month is a time to celebrate the women who have inspired positive change in our shared histories and our lives. This year's theme was "Inspiring Women," giving us the opportunity to look at the struggles and accomplishments of women and girls - not just to honor those who inspire, but to find our own voices. Students and faculty across campus participated in a writing project that asked them to consider the term "feminism," how it has historically been defined and how it is currently used. Participants defined what a modern-day feminist was and thought about what inspired them to be a feminist.

    Raven Watson echoes many of her peers, "I am a feminist because I believe in social rights and social justice. I believe men and women are equal, women can dictate their own lives....Feminism doesn't have a set definition for each person. It's a movement, a movement for equality." Eric Davis Jr. writes, "I was raised by two feminists, my mother and father; therefore I am a feminist....We need more people to stand out and say, 'I am a feminist.'"

    Annual Women's History Month Poster Contest

    Brandi newton, 2014 whm art contest winner

    Statement from the artist: I feel truly honored that my poster design was chosen fo