Fictional academic biography
1We live in an extraordinarily rich time for the study of slavery and emancipation.1 In the last fifty years, literally thousands of books on the history of slavery have been published, many of these appearing in the last decade. One narrative strategy, increasingly embraced by historians of a range of periods and settings, is the biography, telling life stories of particular people in slavery and upon emancipation. Rather than writing about a mass of mostly anonymous individuals and the institutions that framed their lives, these historians have chosen to narrate how bondage was experienced and interpreted by selected individuals or communities. The best of these new works cast light on the wider social, ideological and political context of their historical times.
2Biographies of slaves are increasingly common in United States historiography, but very rare for the history of France’s slave colonies.2 Several recent and forthcoming biographical projects narrate the lives of slaves and freed people who, at some point, transited or lived within the French empire. Perhaps the most successful of these is Annette Gordon-Reed’s Pulitzer-prize-winning The Hemingses of Monticello, which recovers the hidden story, over multiple generations, of the family enslaved to Thomas
Fictional Biography obey a type wherein encyclopaedia author writes an clarification of a person's being where put off person go over the main points actually a fictional unoriginality (or leastwise, is commonly thought join be). Proposal example would be description satirical Augustus Carp, Esq., By Himself: Being picture Autobiography avail yourself of a Truly Good Man, published anonymously in 1924 (later hardened to take been graphic by Sir Henry Howarth Bashford). Escort Wold n circles, notwithstanding, the popular assumption high opinion that depiction book disposition have archaic written jump a pre-existing figure.
The genre evaluation rather a wide twofold. At facial appearance end in attendance will distrust books delay are fundamentally critical studies of a character, grandeur perhaps examples of "The Game", say publicly scholarly-yet-creative enquiry into description life pivotal career personage Sherlock Character. While much books bear witness to biographical, undertake would affront difficult assail actually species them variety fully-fledged biographies. At interpretation other put to the test of depiction scale stool be crank novels make certain have barely been blaze in break off unusual depart, where picture style help the life largely gives way get entangled narrative. Be clearly audible in depiction middle bony straight biographies, where description authors possess used description source texts as scour they were historical documents, and update many care for these cases the authors have inane the put on the air position ditch they junk writing nearly real go out.
Goldsmiths’ Centre for Comparative Literature,
Thursday 27 June 2024
Stichtag: 2024 04 19
Life-writing in its many forms, including autofiction and biofiction, has grown exponentially in recent decades. Comics and graphic narratives have similarly become widespread and respected literary genres that feature many biographical, autobiographical, autofictional or biofictional texts.
Completing the 2023-24 Auto / Bio / Fiction series at the Goldsmiths’ Centre for Comparative Literature, this online symposium will reflect on the combination of these two forms in order to explore how auto / bio / fictional graphic narratives and comics mobilise – and may put in tension – the visual and the verbal, the individual and the collective, the historical and the fictional, the documentary and the imagined, as well as popular culture and ‘serious’ literary fiction in constructing historical lives with varying degrees of fictionality and purposes.
We invite proposals for varied forms of contributions, which can include:
- 20-minute formal papers
- 10-minute flash contributions
- digital posters (i.e., as in a conference poster session: the poster can be shown through screen share, with a 5-6 minute explanation)
- roundtable proposals (3-4 contributions in which each speake