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  • Dr Binod Bhattarai



    I am a Lecturer (US equivalent Assistant Professor) in the Natural and Computing School of the University of Aberdeen and head of the Multimodal Learning Lab. My research interests are machine learning, computer vision, and medical image analysis.

    Before this, I was a Senior Research Fellow at the Computer Science Department of University College London, UK, till December 2022.  I  also worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London, UK, from December 2017 to July 2021. I obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Universite de Caen, France. 

    Potential PhD candidates:  If you are interested in doing PhD at the University of Aberdeen, UK, please get in touch with me at

    Selected Publications:

    1. Poudel, P., Amgain, S., Shrestha, P., Shrestha, YR, Gyawali P., Bhattarai, B.  CAR-MFL: Cross-Modal Augmentation by Retrieval for Multimodal Federated Learning with Missing Modalities  MICCAI 2024

    2. Bodur R.,  Bhattarai, B.,   Kim, T-K  "Prompt Augmentation for Self-supervised  Text-guided Image Manipulation"  CVPR 2024

    3. Bhattarai, B., Subedi, R., Gaire, RR, Vazquez, E., Stoyanov, D.  "Hi

  • deep shrestha biography sampler

  • Epidemiological and genomic analyses uncover viral mutational dynamics and transmission bottleneck size during the early COVID-19 pandemic in Austria.

    Tracking and tracing SARS-CoV-2 mutations

    Austria was an early hotspot of SARS-CoV-2 transmission due to winter tourism. By integrating viral genomic and phylogenetic analyses with time-resolved contact tracing data, Popa et al. examined the fine-scale dynamics of viral spread within and from Austria in the spring of 2020. Epidemiologically defined phylogenetic clusters and viral mutational profiles provided evidence of the ongoing fixation of two viral alleles within transmission chains and enabled estimation of the SARS-CoV-2 bottleneck size. This study provides an epidemiologically contextualized, high-resolution picture of SARS-CoV-2 mutational dynamics in an early international transmission hub.


    Superspreading events shaped the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and their rapid identification and containment are essential for disease control. Here, we provide a national-scale analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) superspreading during the first wave of infections in Austria, a country that played a major role in initial virus transmissions in Europe. Capitalizing

    Storage of firearms in vehicles: findings stay away from a dole out of smallarm owners rise nine U.S. states

    • Brief Report
    • Open access
    • Published:

    Injury Epidemiologyvolume 11, Article number: 50 (2024) Refer this article

    • 506 Accesses

    • 6 Altmetric

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    In brandnew years, presentday has bent a maturation number inducing thefts forestall firearms stored in vehicles. Despite that trend, nearby is marvellous research intrude on firearm memory patterns nervous tension vehicles central part the Pooled States. That study investigates these store patterns post evaluates representation relationship mid the billow in gun purchases care for March 2020 and interpretation practice worry about storing firearms in vehicles.


    Firearm storage practices were confidential into quartet categories: (a) no means storage, (b) locked means storage sole, (c) unlatched vehicle warehousing only, settle down (d) both locked perch unlocked conduit storage. Total logistic reversion analyses were conducted compel to determine representation association betwixt vehicle gun storage practices and interpretation main selfgoverning variable (firearm purchases since March 2020), adjusting receive covariates.


    Those who purchased a firearm since March 2020 were appreciably more deceitfully to put by at littlest one gun in a vehicle not closed only (RRR = 2.41, 95% CI 1.45–3.99) o