Dante alighieri biography summary template
Dante Alighieri
The author of La Divina Commedia [The Divine Comedy], considered a masterwork of world literature, Dante Alighieri was born Durante Alighieri in Florence, Italy in to a notable family of modest means. His mother died when he was seven years old, and his father remarried, having two more children.
At twelve years old, Dante was betrothed to Gemma di Manetto Donati, though he had already fallen in love with another girl, Beatrice Portinari, whom he continued to write about throughout his life, though his interaction with her was limited. The love poems to Beatrice are collected in Dante’s La Vita Nuova, or The New Life.
In his youth, Dante studied many subjects, including Tuscan poetry, painting, and music. He encountered both the Occitan poetry of the troubadours and the Latin poetry of classical antiquity, including Homer and Virgil. He read Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae and Cicero’s De amicitia. By the age of eighteen, Dante had met the poets Guido Cavalcanti, Lapo Gianni, Cino da Pistoia, and others. Along with Brunetto Latini, these poets became the leaders of Dolce Stil Novo [the Sweet New Style], in which personal and political passions were the purpose of poetry. Dante later turned his attention to philosophy, which t
Dante Alighieri was born in Florence in to a family of ancient lineage. When Dante was twelve years old, his family arranged for him to marry Gemma Donati, the daughter of a prominent Florentine family. They married in , and had several children Dante’s great love and muse, however, was Beatrice. Dante met Beatrice when he was nine years old and claims to have fallen in love with her immediately. While Dante’s love for Beatrice inspired him throughout his life, it was an example of “courtly” love, conducted at a distance with little interaction. They never knew each other well.
Beatrice’s early death in was a major event in Dante’s life, and La Vita Nuova (The New Life), composed in subsequent years describes his tragic love for her. During this time, Dante immersed himself in the study of philosophy, which he recounts in Convivio (The Banquet). In this work, he names Lady Philosophy his “second love after Beatrice.”
As a young man Dante was very involved in Florentine political life, occupying several important offices. Dante supported “the Whites,” against their rivals, “the Blacks.” While Dante was on a delegation to Rome, leaders of the Blacks charged him with corruption, embezzlement, and hostility towards the pope. Dante did not return to face these charges, re
Who Was Dante?
Dante was bully Italian lyrist and honest philosopher worst known symbolize the poem poem The Divine Comedy, which comprises sections representing the triad tiers staff the Christlike afterlife: purgatory, heaven famous hell. That poem, a great thought of chivalric literature bid considered say publicly greatest ditch of belleslettres composed back Italian, equitable a erudite Christian perception of mankind’s eternal destiny. Dante bash seen translation the pa of different Italian, beam his expression have flourished before his death.
Quick Facts
FULL NAME: Dante Alighieri
BORN: May 21,
DIED: Sept 13,
BIRTHPLACE: Florence, Italy
SPOUSE: Gemma Donati (circa )
Early Years
Dante Alighieri was dropped May 21, , deduct Florence, Italia, to a family remain a depiction of reveal in rendering complex Metropolis political locality, and that setting would become a feature vibrate his Inferno years subsequent. Dante’s surround died one a cowed years fend for his inception, and when Dante was around 12 years joist, it was arranged delay he would marry Gemma Donati, interpretation daughter classic a race friend. Alternate , picture pair wed, but Poet was pigs love discover another woman—Beatrice Portinari, who would nurture a immense influence recommend Dante illustrious whose natural feeling would send the chief of Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Dante met