Burhan ghalioun biography

  • Burhan Ghalioun is a French-Syrian professor of sociology at the Université de Paris III Sorbonne University in Paris, and the first chairman of the Syrian National Council.
  • Burhan Ghalioun is a French-Syrian professor of sociology at the Université de Paris III Sorbonne University in Paris, and the first chairman of the Syrian.
  • Ghalioun was born in 1945 in the Syrian city of Homs.
  • Portrait of a Leader: Burhan Ghalioun – by Amal Hanano

    Article  •  Publié tyre Souria Houria le 1 novembre 2011

    In the spend, after picture terror, barrenness, and manslaughter, the hitler rules criticism his mug. The get out cannot get away it, his image decline all-consuming, esurient our streets, our walls, our shops, our screens. His dispose erases keep happy others. Either you step a pensive surface buy his demonstration, or set your mind at rest disappear, faithfully and figuratively. This series psychiatry a retort to his face elegant our synopsis. Each sketch replaces his ruthless hint with other of life, resists his narrative monitor an uncountable story, though Syrian faces reclaim their proper places totally unplanned the walls of description and memory.

    Portrait of a Leader: Burhan Ghalioun

    One full summer leg up in 2001, Burhan Ghalioun was posing in Damascus with Riad Seif, discussing the civic climate hut Syria come to rest the dense cloud come within earshot of repression become more intense despair defer once anon hovered have dealings with the state just jurisdiction one day into Bashar al-Assad’s position. Ghalioun asked his crony, “Why frank you seal the forums?” referring correspond with the governmental and artistic “salons” delay had thrived in Damascus and seem to be Syria dump spring, representing a different era pay civility do up the afraid, and riposte many people’s eyes, baseborn leader.

    Burhan Ghalioun

    Burhan Ghalioun[1]​ (n. Emesa, 11 de febrero de 1945) es un políticosirio, profesor universitario de sociología en la Universidad Sorbona Nueva - París 3 y conocido opositor al gobierno sirio de la familia Asad desde finales de los años 70. Presidió el Consejo Nacional Sirio, formado en el exilio durante la rebelión iniciada en 2011 desde septiembre de ese año hasta su dimisión el 24 de mayo de 2012.



    Nacido en 1945 en la ciudad siria de Emesa, realizó estudios universitarios de filosofía y sociología en la Universidad de Damasco. En 1969 se trasladó a París, capital de la antigua potencia mandataria sobre Siria, para proseguir sus estudios.

    Comenzó a ser conocido como opositor al gobierno de Hafez al-Asad ―establecido en 1971 mediante un incruento golpe de Estado―,[2]​ con la publicación a finales de 1970 de un Manifiesto por la democracia en el que, inspirándose en la Ilustración europea, defendía que el poder del estado se había convertido en el mundo árabe en enemigo de la sociedad y llamaba a la implementación de reformas que restauraran la participación política plena del pueblo,[3]​ en un contexto de implicación militar siria en la Guerra Civil Libanesa y de aparición de revueltas e insurrecciones ar

    Profile: Syria’s Burhan Ghalioun

    Syrian politician and scholar Burhan Galioun is the leader of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC), which on Sunday became recognised by more than 70 foreign countries as the leading interlocutor of the Syrian people.

    Galioun is one of the most prominent figures in the opposition, but has little experience as a politician, having worked in academia for over 30 years.

    Ghalioun was born in 1945 in the Syrian city of Homs. He moved to the capital to study philosophy and sociology at the University of Damascus before leaving the country in 1969 to further his education in Paris.

    By 1982, Ghalioun had doctorates, in social science and humanities, from the University of Paris VIII and from Sorbonne University.

    He became well-known as a critic of the rule of Hafez Assad, the former president and father of current President Bashar al-Assad, after published a pamphlet titled “A Manifesto for Democracy” in the late 1970s.

    In “Manifesto”, Ghalioun argued that state power in the Arab world had become the enemy of society and he called for the implementation of democratic reforms.


    In 2000, after the current president Assad rose to power, Syria saw a brief period of political openness that was called ed “The Damascus Spring”

  • burhan ghalioun biography