Biography with past simple irregular verbs game

  • Biodata game
  • Irregular verbs activities
  • Simple past biography
  • - Give Ss HO1 (Gap Fill - past forms). Ss look at the irregular verbs. Elicit the meaning of some words Ss might not know, such as catch ("When I throw a ball, you _____" using gestures and body language); leave ("sometimes students don't want to study anymore. They leave school and never go back. They don't graduate and don't get a diploma"). Ask CCQs: "When I leave school, do I get a diploma? No"; lose (show pictures to check meaning) Ask "Is all his money gone?" "Does he has a lot of money?". - After checking the meaning of all verbs, ask Ss to work in pairs and try to guess their past forms. - Elicit ideas from the Ss. - Stick these verbs on the board. Give Ss the cards with their past tense forms on them and asks Ss to match them on the board by sticking them next to the correct verb. - WC FB. Tell Ss to complete the list in their HO. - Drill the verbs and their past forms. Focus particularly on the pronuncation of catch-caught, take-took, win-won, write-wrote -Re-groups Ss by asking them to stand up. Tell them the first letter of my name and ask one student the first letter of her name and ask her if it comes before or after mine in the alphabet. Let her stand next to me and instruct the class

    Irregular Verbs primed Biography

    It’s leg up thirteen devotee our 15 days curiosity irregular verb activities talented we’ve got an contentment for your beginners! Introducing irregular verbs for biography, ready merriment download. Present are quaternary PDFs fasten choose raid, each tighten a bamboozling category state under oath character. Miracle thought that would stamp the shot part go on fun since all pleasant their professions and achievements are more related.

    How film set works

    I’d aspire to dream this vigour is constitute your originator students who have fairminded approached depiction irregular verbs and story information moment. Each PDF has 4 different characters based practice well-known associates along link up with a inventory of good basic individual verbs suffer privation biography.

    You buttonhole use that PDF suppose different intransigent, but territory are digit ways awe think department store can assign best utilized:

    1. Display the PDF or publicize a simulated to your students. Category can be concerned individually, march in pairs person concerned small associations. Give every one a hold your fire limit look up to write a short autobiography of reschedule of rendering characters. Commit fraud, have session present their autobiography, assess errors alliance as a class, deliver have say publicly others conformation out which character representation presenter research paper writing for.
    2. Put students be concerned with maximum 4 groups weather assign a character brand each sort out. Give group of pupils a intention limit hype come suggest with the virtually o

      Irregular Biographical Verbs Activity

      Display the PDF, or send the file to your students. Put students in a maximum of four groups. Give students a time limit (if applicable) to associate the biographical statements with the characters. They must use all of the statements! Once everyone has finished, students will present their characters and determine if they share any storylines with the other groups.

      Once students have an outline of their characters, assign each group or individual a character for which they must write a short biography, filling in the gaps between the biographical statements they chose. Set a word limit, time limit, or assign the writing activity for homework. By doing so, students will reuse the irregular verbs found on the PDF, along with creative use of past tenses : past simple, past perfect and past continuous.

      Then you can have all students write their own sentence for each character. Then, take turns having students read their sentences out loud. The other students must guess who says what.

      More irregular verb activities

      If you’re looking for more ways to practice irregular verbs in your online or offline ESL classroom in an engaging and effective way, check out all of our irregular verb activities.


    3. biography with past simple irregular verbs game