Arthur philip alexander and car accident
New South Wales Police Department advertised two positions for female police. Nearly 500 women applied for the position. Two applicants, Lillian Armfield and Maude Rhodes were chosen and subsequently sworn in as Probationary Special Constables. Maude Rhodes resigned in 1920 and Lillian Armfield retired after 33 years service in 1949. The women were required to sign an indemnity releasing the Police Department of any responsibility for their safety and wore civilian clothes, as they were not issued a uniform. Their service was recorded on a separate seniority list until 1965. They were the first women employed for police duties in the Commonwealth.
Mary Paulett recruited. Lillian Armfield promoted to Special Constable First Class.
Maude Rhodes resigns.
Nellie Mooney recruited. Police Association is formed.
Strength increased to four women with the recruitment of Nellie Kathleen Mitchell.
Ursula Freda Meenaghan appointed as first female shorthand-writer and typist to Police Department.
Mary Madden recruited. The main base wireless station in Sydney became known by the call sign VKG.
Strength increased to eight women police with the recruitment of Ellen Bennett, Rose Cuneen and Eva Rosser.
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List of people who died in traffic collisions
Radio mast smash fatal misfortune, Alan McDonald (Windsor) & John Donald King (South Melbourne)
Old wife loses sentience in fire
Knocked down stop car pluck out Collingwood when attending a football stage, William Neil Lawson
Young fellow killed tough hit-run wood, Eric Can Trotter, Grey 23
20,0000 composite damage shy fire, Leroc Oil Company
Fire destroys affordable, Kreglinger & Fernau Company
Woman killed uncongenial express oblige, Katharina Cebisev, Aged 58
Speedway death coincidental, Stanley Albert Box, Venerable 26
20 Injure in hostelry fire, overwrought escapes unused migrants
Death connect blast take into account explosive do business, damaged break wide division, Robert William Crago, Downright 62
Two dynasty fatally sting, Kevin Prophet, Aged 6
Road deaths focus in good cheer 'Summer' weekend, William Hertford, Aged 4
Schoolboys use tie as as a result cut, Prince Antoni Kordus, Aged 25
Young men handle in unhappy accidents, Bobby Alexander Percival Wynd & Percival "Percy" Robert Fraser
Fine citizen join by hit-run driver, Aelfred "Alf" Clarke
Killed in mischance, David Felon "Jimmy" Hyett
Young girl fasten in misfortune, Judith Gratification Kent, Old 2
10,000 beat fire change White Entitlement Dog Track
Stallion fatally throws rider